5. Hopeless?

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With circumstances driving us to the edge, I had planned to write one chapter a week for Flickering Hope. But well....

Chapter 5 - Hopeless?

The way things are proceeding, I can't comprehend is it going to be better or worst. But we need to be hopeful of Allah's Mercy, have tawakkul and trust His plans.

With every passing day and test, I can see the strength, morale and hope of believers is at the edge. Like these times are surely trying, but don't let it break your hope.

There's a saying which says "Hopelessness is disbelief"
'Naummeedi kufr hai'

And it always pushes me, to turn back to my Rabb. After all I'm a human, a weak one at that and I keep falling.

But don't let it push you, to have a fall that you don't get back up.
Don't become hopeless.

...and despair not of Allah's Mercy; surely none despairs of Allah's Mercy except the unbelieving people." (Surah Yūsuf 12:87)

The sun may not be visible for now, but trust me it's on its way to bring you the brightest morning. - Unknown

A/N -
I really love to write about hope but I am always writing short chapters :-\.

Here is a video for you which says Never Be Sad, No Matter How Dark It Is ( it's in Urdu and I suck at translating, something about the language and

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