19. You Can

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read as an informal letter from me

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read as an informal letter from me


You doubt yourself that you can't do on about this? You out of all people out there, Don't you know you've been pulling through it all with His Help all this time?

But with time, these things feel like keeps on increasing? No, or maybe they do yes. But that tells one more thing about you, these tests are increasingly in their intensity and frequency so what?

I can also see how they have grown you stronger, you think you can't pull off this weight. You're wrong, you do and you'll see in some time that you can Insha Allah.

Just have lil faith in yourself and Your Rabb, for He doesn't burden a soul more than what it can bear.

What helped you through last time? Is it your efforts? Or the will He gave you? To go on.

Whatever the conditions are right now, they won't stay. They'll change, after grey clouds the sun will rise and you'll blossom. What matters is that you stay, you stay fit and fine, mentally and physically, in and out, in person and in mind. Its about you, these tests will pass. But in the end its you, evolution comes after a stressful and challenging journey and evolving is beautiful.

All the while you're going through this one, also be Prepared to welcome a new, evolved You💜

P.S - I love you.

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