18. Just One Wish

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 I keep hearing this all the time.

We just have one wish - A Peaceful Life

The more that I think about it, the more I see life. I don't think we can afford to have a peaceful life all the time. You know why?

When it's only peaceful, happiness and serenity with no troubles, hardships and sadness, we go so far away from Allah that we become ungrateful, even if we're basking and soaking in His blessings.

Or maybe we thank, but just verbally.

Thanking Him through the actions that please Him? No, rather we slack more in our Ibadahs.

We've nothing to ask, we don't have to find for any relief, just plain mundane peaceful life. I am not kidding, if we didn't had any difficulties, we wouldn't get reminded of the hereafter at all. If we weren't oppressed here, we wouldn't wish for Justice of the hereafter. If all our kindness was reciprocated here, why would we wish for reward from Allah in the hereafter?

So even if you're sailing a peaceful sail currently, think about it and thank for it. Most of the times we fail in the test of ease, than the one with difficulties because in hardships all of us just have Him to turn, isn't it?

But in happiness, blessings we can enjoy and engage with others and forget about Allah, the One who gave us the blessings and gifts in the first place and He's the One we forsake first.

Such ungrateful slaves of Al Kareem, The Most Generous, The Bountiful. 

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