4. Fine Alhamdulillah?

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This chapter is dedicated to  @wordiee for supporting my work.  

Often we're asked "How are you?" and we say "Fine. Alhamdulillah"

Well I'm not criticizing or saying its wrong, I just realized this yesterday when someone replied the same to me. What did I realize? You'll know eventually. 

We all know everybody is going through something, some may express it while some hide it very well, but one thing is for sure 'We're all going through some tests and trials, it maybe big, small, hard, unimaginable, unbearable, too traumatizing....' and I pray Allah eases all our affairs. 

Back sometime even I was a person who would say 'Fine. Alhamdulillah' or just 'Fine', when being asked 'How are you?' but these days I don't do it or so I think. There are people who reply "Good" or "Very Good" Alhamdulillah, although they're few and it leaves me questioning 'Don't they have any problems?' or 'How is it that they're so happy?' , I believe they battle their tests very well or it's one of their happy days in life.

Last week my teacher was speaking about gratitude (shukr) and its types, and she mentioned an instance from Ibn Taymiyyah's life where he was being imprisoned by the leaders of that time due to his Fatwa's. He was imprisoned a lot of times in his life, so during one such time his students were comforting him "Dear Teacher, This is a time of patience(sabr)" but you know what he replied "No, But rather this is the time of gratitude(shukr)" 

My teacher said "While we believe patiently enduring is Sabr, not complaining is Sabr but the highest form of Sabr (patience) is Shukr (shukr)." Have we ever thanked Allah for the trials/tests? I do say 'Allah is the best of all planners' and 'This is a blessing in disguise', but I've never thanked Him for these tests. 

One of the other gems that I picked from that class was a sort of a Tagline or a Motto, that is "No Complains, No Blames Only Hamd (Alhamdulillah), in these hard times everyone is going through something or the other. As for me I'm confused and the easiest resort is to complain and blame others actually, even if you don't express it, you do it in your heart and that's where the sadness part of the trial starts putting you down. Don't do that, try and try your best to say Alhamdulillah in your heart and even on your tongue. 

Abu Yahya Suhaib bin Sinan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that:The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ- Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, "How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for him in everything and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity attends him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him".


This life is not a cakewalk, its not easy to be grateful and patient all the time. But every time you feel like complaining, remember the above ahadith and reflect on our Tagline 'NO complains, NO blames, only hamd'. I'll hope the next time when being asked "How are you?" we will come back to this piece of conversation and reply "Alhamdulillah good" or even better "Alhamdulillah Very Good/Excellent" Insha Allah.

Please note, I am not implying saying fine is bad, but according to me it sounds a bit complaining that's all and about saying good, while saying make peace with your tests/circumstances and accept them instead of just saying good Alhamdulillah verbally, mean it too. 

 "O you who are patient! Bear a little more, just a little more remains." - Ibn Al Qayyim

Note - I felt like I had to write this one and yeah a bonus for you, if you don't know much about Shaikh Ibn Taymiyyah - I suggest you read this blog on IOU (Islamic Online University - Blog) called as "Such was Ibn Taymiyyah" written by Nisaar Nadiadwala. Just Google it and you'll find it. Its one 5-10 min read but highly motivating. 

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