9. Without Him, there's no Hope.

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I know you're on a messy path now, you are probably going crazy. You are not able to understand yourself, nor comprehend where the events are taking your life. Ahead or behind? Making you closer to yourself or separating you even more.

Everyday you're asking yourself 'What am I doing with my life', every night you're going to sleep with hopes of having a better tomorrow but it keeps getting worse and you want it to stop, to pause.

But that makes you question again? Hasn't it paused for quite a while and yet you haven't managed to discover yourself?

"And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient."
(Qur'an Al-Hashr 59: 19)

Or are we searching for something else? Peace maybe?

"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured."
(Qur'an 13: 28)

Trust me when I say this, It's hurtful but true.
"The worst kind of missing is missing Allah" - abdofRahman

For without Him there's no light, no joy, no essence in our life. You feel as good as a robot doing things mechanically.

I know Shaytan distracts us but believe in The Power Of Remembrance of Allah (His Dhikr), I know all those unfocused prayers and ritualistic worship is making us guilty, we all yearn for Him. We just want Him back, then I tell you to start off with Dhikr - at first force yourself to do a bit and then you'll not even realise how your soul will get addicted to the taste of it.

'When you discover the Power of Dhikr,
It remains no longer a deed,
Instead it becomes your need'

His Remembrance is the only Food For Soul, and no music calms your soul is just an illusion you've got trapped in.

Leaving with you an excerpt from Reclaim Your Heart by Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed.

"The Day they come forth nothing concerning them will be concealed from Allah. To whom belongs [all] sovereignty this Day? To Allah, the One, the Irresistible!” (Qur'an, 40:16)

To whom is the sovereignty today?

Try to witness even a piece of that in this life.

To whom is the dominion today?

Who else has the power to save you?

Who else can cure you?

Who else can mend your heart?

Who else can provide for you?

Who else can you run to?

Who else?

To whom is the dominion today?

Li man al mulk al yawm?

Lil Wahid al Qahhar.

To the One, the Irresistible.

To run to anything else is to resist the irresistible.

To seek other than The One (al Wahid), is to become scattered, but never filled.

How can we find unity, completion of heart or soul or mind in anything other than Him?

P.S - My head is aching and begging me to sleep but I want to pour this out here today and start, just in case it might help you I'm posting it here. I'm no saint, I am not a religious striving Muslimah, I'm broken and low as you all, I haven't got much knowledge, just few reminders here and there which I keep tossing around.

Please do remember this unworthy soul in your prayers if you can, or you can quickly send a prayer now as you see this ( I do this cause I know I'll not remember)

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