3. Shake Up 2.0

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This Chapter is dedicated to heraspiringsoul

Since I'm a huge fan of her works and I am hoping for her to get back with her inspiring words.

Don't forget to check out her work "A Message Of Hope".

Shake Up 2.0

If you're thinking I haven't got anything to say or write apart from shake up, then I'll clear your doubts, it isn't like that but the shake up concept is getting truer by each passing day.

The last time I wrote Shake Up 1.0 in Dec, only my country and a few others were shaking while from my perspective even then people were sleeping and I see the same even now but the shake has got violent. Its shaking the world now yet a handful look through it as a call to action, others are still sleeping sadly.

The other day I read some lines on the back of a car which read "qaum so rahi hai, horn mat deejiye" - "The community (here Ummah) is sleeping, don't blow horn" and I can't help but agree entirely.

As I'm saying this, I'm no saint and even I'm included in the sleepers. But my question is how harsh should be the shake for us to wake up from the slumber?

We are witnessing the unexpected, The world is locked up in their homes and there are many who are deprived of daily essentials, yet we don't take heed from their situation and thank Allah for His infinite blessings. Instead we are bent on complaining of 'how staying at home for weeks suck', of 'how I realized that I can't live on the internet for a day and not get bored', we should be grateful for these little things too, your phone, your internet, your family, a roof over your head, 3 meals a day, a warm bed, with all the necessary appliances in your home making your life a whole lot easier.

Just like the saying goes " You never know how important something is until you almost lost it".

This shake will only get violent, If you do not take up the call to action.

"And we will surely let them taste the nearer punishment short of the greater punishment that perhaps they will repent." - Qur'an 32:21

Note - Feedback appreciated. I know its short but I wanted to update.

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