Chapter 1: Intertwined Fates Reconnect Past and Present

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Pale yellow eyes that belonged to Lan Wangji watched the energetic form of Wei Wuxian.

The red ribbon that was used to tie his hair danced with his every step and flowed along to every passing breeze. A dazzling smile plastered on his lips as he looked at every stall they passed with growing curiosity. His entire being couldn't keep still as he looked every which way while making sure to stay close to Lan Wangji.

It was only until a flustered woman approached them did Wei Wuxian's form become still. His dark grey eyes watched the woman stand before him, fingers fiddling with the fabric of her dress. She was gnawing on her lip while her gaze flitted here and there, unable to look at either Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in the eyes.

In the corner of his eyes, Wei Wuxian noticed the badly hidden group of girls that seemed to cheer for the woman standing in front of him. His gaze shifted back towards the woman who had yet to utter a sound and the smile that brightened his youthful features thinned.

The woman was rather beautiful, but he had Lan Wangji, and despite her bravery to approach the two of them, her silence wasn't piquing his interest in the slightest. However, he was also not one to humiliate women.

Wei Wuxian pursed his lips. He looked at Lan Wangji, stared into his pale yellow eyes and studied his cold expression. When he saw nothing that entailed jealousy and anger, he smiled at him and deiced to interact with the woman. He leaned forward so he was fairly the same height as her and lifted her chin upwards with one finger.

Her eyes finally met his.

"Hello." he greeted. His voice was smooth and had a child-like allure. It made nearby women swoon. The woman stared straight into his dark grey eyes and blushed heavily. Her lips opened and closed yet still failed to utter a sound.

A moment later, she covered her face and ran away. "I'm sorry! He's too beautiful!"

Wei Wuxian stood there, dumbfounded as he straightened himself and watched the figure of the woman gradually disappear in the distance, with the group of women he had seen hidden earlier chasing after the embarrassed woman.

When they had disappeared from his sight, and the shock wore off, he laughed. His arms wrapped around his stomach as his laughter continued to ring through the air due to how amused he was at what had happened.

The townspeople who could hear it were trapped in a trance as he continued to laugh. It was a wondrous melody that echoed his cheerful personality.

Lan Wangji smiled at the sight. It was only seen by a lucky few as it was brief, gone from his lips a moment later, but it left an impact. One woman even fainted.

He walked toward the still laughing male and gently stroked his back with a fond look in his eyes. "Wei Ying, calm down." His voice was buried under Wei Wuxian's laughter, but those that stood closest to the couple heard the deeper tone.

Wei Wuxian wiped the tears that had gathered in the corner of his eyes and looked into his pale yellow eyes. A few brief huffs of laughter followed, but he soon calmed himself. When he did, he straightened himself and grinned at Lan Wangji. He leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "I'm too beautiful, she said. Do you agree, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Wangji wrapped an arm around his waist and nodded. "Mn."

At their blatant show of affection for each other, there were some whose expressions of awe turned into one of disgust. They turned away and began to whisper gossip into the ear of the nearest person, their eyes judging the two beautiful men who were exposing their love to the world, but there were also those who cheered for their love—whistles and cheers stumbling over the other to support the two.

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