Chapter 5: Songs That Retell Tales of Old and Reveal Tragic Love

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The stars twinkled brightly in the sky, celebrating their arrival at the town where Wen Kexing was. Their arrival caused the noisy townspeople, from haggling prices to enticing customers to visit their respective shop, to soften their noise.

Several pairs of eyes followed them as they walked down the road, happily conversing with each other, seemingly unaware of the stares. But they knew. It's just that they had grown acquainted to unwanted attention due to their past status and eye-catching appearance.

Whispers and murmurs floated around the family.

"How pretty..."

"They're all so beautiful."

"I'm so envious! Look at them, then look at me. How unfair is that?"

"Do you think they're single?"

The numbered few that still roamed the streets with their companions would move to the side in order to give way to the ethereal family.

When Wei Wuxian heard the last one, he laughed, amusement shining in his dark grey eyes as he looked at Lan Sizhui. "Looks like they're interested in you, A-Yuan. How about you give it a try?"

Lan Sizhui blushed. "Mother! Please don't joke about such things!" He pouted, fiddling with his fingers. "Besides, if I fall in love, who will help you keep Jin Ling and A-Yi in line?"

"You rarely bother with them anymore, anyway." Wei Wuxian huffed, crossing his arms. "I know you've become tired of their constant bickering. In the past, you'd try and calm them both down, but nowadays you just walk away from them and would bring Zizhen along when they show even the slightest hint that they'd start fighting again."

"Still, I'm not interested." Lan Sizhui puffed his cheeks. "Let's just go to where A-Xing is, mother."

Wei Wuxian laughed and ruffled his hair, then he paused.

A memory that contained graphic scenes of death, pleasure, and torture flashed through his mind.

With a frown, he reviewed everything that was revealed to him and took note of the sadistic chubby nobleman that committed all the mentioned atrocities.


An hour later, out of nowhere, the same young nobleman within the memories walked towards them and stood in their way with a haughty expression. He raised an arm, pointing a chubby finger at Lan Sizhui. "I want him to be my boy toy. Give him to me."

Lan Wangji wasn't pleased at his demand. "I refuse."

A small amount of his spiritual power flowed through his leg as he stomped on the ground to show his displeasure, easily breaking it without breaking a sweat.

"Get lost."

The spoiled nobleman was frightened, his entire frame trembling, but he was also enraged. There had never been anyone who had dared to refuse his demands. "Guards!"

Trained martial artists rushed out with their weapons drawn, ready to fulfill the order of their unpleasantly rich young master, in order to snatch Lan Sizhui away from the couple.

Wei Wuxian grabbed Chenqing from his waist, a threatening smile on his lips as he stared down the martial artists from where he sat on the back of Little Dew. "You dare?"

They froze.

"What are you doing?! Why did you stop?! Kill them!"

The instincts they had honed from fighting most of their lives screamed at them to retreat, however if they didn't accomplish the order given to them, their lives would be forfeit.

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