Chapter 11: Pain-filled Burdens Which Mortals and Immortals Carry

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After the chaotic fiasco of Jiang Wanyin chasing Wei Wuxian around in an attempt to make the other pay for successfully making a fool him in front of the kids, the two decided to stop acting like children and agreed to a temporary truce. Though everyone knew, the moment in which the two would find something new to disagree upon, that truce would immediately be broken and they would begin bickering once more until they are yet again forced to reconcile with the other.

It's an endless cycle that the immortals have grown accustomed to throughout all the years they had spent living together on the mountain. But the young mortals all found it ridiculous that such scary looking men were able to find even the simplest of reasons to start a fight with each other.

Luckily, Lan Wangji was there to stop Jiang Wanyin before something disastrous could happen due to the both of them.


Tired from having played with the short-tempered Jiang Wanyin, Wei Wuxian allowed a yawn to slip past his lips before he drowsily pressed his head against his beloved's chest. Lan Wangji, having noticed how tired Wei Wuxian was, carried him bridal style towards the resting area which had been placed right outside the room and sat down while cradling the man he loves within his arms.

Wen Kexing offered his bed, but Lan Wangji refused with the reasoning that he needed it more since he needed proper rest in order to recover without any fear of complications. Not that he would have any of the sort, especially since the immortal couple were the one who took his health into their own hands.

The quiet father simply wanted his son to take the bed. That was all.

"Lan Zhan, sorry, looks like I was more exhausted than I thought..." Wei Wuxian mumbled as his eyes fluttered shut. "Let's search for A-Yuan and A-Ling later when I wake again... Good night..."

"I will always forgive Wei Ying no matter what he does." Lan Wangji returned as he kissed Wei Wuxian's forehead with a smile, then shifted his position so the man he loves would have a more comfortable position while he slept. "Don't worry about the kids for now and sleep well. They can protect themselves."

Wei Wuxian smiled. "Mm..."

Soft snores could be heard a moment later as his body relaxed in the protection of his beloved's arms. The sight of the two was beautiful to witness, and the young mortals couldn't help the admiration they could feel towards the couple.

Everyone was quiet as they desired for the sleeping male to rest in peaceful silence without any interruptions. But the occasional chatter couldn't be avoided, especially for Gu Xiang who was quite an extrovert when compared to Jiang Wanyin—someone who can easily offer a reply with just his facial expressions.


Several minutes after a conversation begun with the aid of Gu Xiang, Zhou Zishu looked at Jiang Wanyin who sat near the sleeping couple with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, resting his weary body as well.

"Sir Jiang..." Zhou Zishu called, his expression unsure, but his posture firm. He paused, hoping for a reaction of any sort from the man, then continued when Jiang Wanyin opened his eyes and looked at him with an uninterested expression.

"If I may be so bold." he continued, shifting his position so he was fully facing the immortal. "I have some questions I would like answered. Would you be willing to enlighten this ignorant one?"

Wen Kexing stopped mid-conversation with Gu Xiang and looked at him, curious of what he wanted to ask his fierce uncle. "A-Xu?"

Jiang Wanyin stared at him, silently debating whether he should grant the favor of this man for Wen Kexing, and then he looks away. "It would depend on the question you wish to ask of me."

The Child of ImmortalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora