Extra Story 1: Dancing Together is the Only Option for Them

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Wen Kexing watched as his parents fought against a monster that had appeared within the mortal world, a place he had long separated from with Zhou Zishu by his side. Their interchanging movements of attacking and defending, with how smooth each transition was with the two of them, it made the fight seem more like a dance than something which could end with the death of the other party.

"Is this really how they fight?" Zhou Zishu asked as he sat on a gigantic rock, lounging around while paying close attention to his surroundings for any planned ambushes towards him and his idiot.

Wen Kexing nodded. "As far as I know, yes." he answered with a nod, shifting closer to his now definitely official lover, even if until now they still hadn't decided on who was top and who was bottom. "Ever since the time I met them, back when I still lived with my parents, they were rarely away from the other. I would always see them together, and there was never a time when I saw mother or father all alone. Well, there were times, but they were never really that far apart. Nor were they ever separated for so long."

"You explained how close they are to the other, but that does not explain why they fight in such a manner." Zhou Zishu returned with a sigh. "I really should not be asking you, Lao-Wen. How about we go look for someone who has been with them longer than you have? For example, that Uncle Jiang of yours."

"But I don't know where he is..." Wen Kexing said with a pout, saddened that he had disappointed his lover. "Did Uncle Jiang even come along on this task that was assigned to mother and father?"

The sound of someone clearing their throat from behind them caught their attention, making them stiffen and turn to search for who had gotten close enough to the both of them without either noticing. But upon seeing out who it was, they relaxed with a relieved sigh, their shoulders lumping as they tried their best to calm their frightened hearts.

"You and everyone else should really stop sneaking up on us." Zhou Zishu said with a slight growl tainting his tone, his brows furrowing as he tossed a glare towards Jin Rulan. "It is starting to become an annoying farce."

Jin Rulan laughed as he approached the two of them. "My bad." he said with a tone that clearly said he was more amused than apologetic. "But with the both of you becoming more comfortable with us, along with revealing more of your emotions to everyone around you, surprising you newly ascended couples are an entertaining little game to ease our passing boredom."

"Nice to know that." Zhou Zishu said in an unamused tone, with his expression becoming the blandest it had ever been.

"Oh, don't be so bitter over this, Zishu. It will pass with time." Jin Rulan huffed while waving his hand in a nonchalant manner before he came to stand before the two, leaning against the gigantic rock that Zhou Zishu was sitting on with his arms crossed, his eyes focused on the immortal couple whose fight was coming to an end. "So, I heard you were looking for uncle?"

Zhou Zishu scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "As if time is a problem for you guys."

Wen Kexing nodded, ignoring the bitter statement of his irate lover. "A-Xu is curious as to why mother and father fight like that."

"Ah." Jin Rulan breathed, his gaze turning towards the two as his expression saddened. "That."

"I do suppose that their closeness even during battle would be a source of curiosity for most." he said in a soft tone as he returned to look at the immortal couple, smiling softly when he saw the two had finished their fight and were now kissing each other, and then he sighed. "But unfortunately, that is not my story to tell. Yes, I have heard of the reason why they rarely part from the other, but I think it would be best if you ask them yourselves."

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