Chapter 21: Restrained or Not, Immortals are Powerful

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The masked individual laughed, his hand reaching to grasp his mask as he bent over while clutching his stomach. "To dare insult me when you yourself are in such a pathetic state of being. I do not understand how you mustered such bravery, but you must surely know better than I that you will not last long."

Wei Wuxian grinned, his dark grey eyes shifting to a fearful red that held malice towards the man who dared use his prowess to harm his family. Returning Chenqing to its place in his belt, he then stretched an arm out and summoned Suibian, the spiritual sword appearing and settling in his grasp.

"It may not be long." he said as he unsheathed Suibian and pointed the blade at the masked individual with narrowed eyes, his smile now gone and replaced with a scowl. "But it will be more than enough time to get rid of you."

The masked individual shifted his stance, readying himself for the upcoming fight. "Do try your best, because if I survive, I will ensure that you will live to regret it. Well, that is if you live after I am finished with you and your family."

"You say that as if you are confident of surviving." Wei Wuxian said as he made the first move, disappearing from view and appearing right in front of the masked individual with Suibian headed right for his enemy's neck. "But I doubt you have seen me fight beyond those trivial monsters."

And with that, the first blood between the two was spilled.

"Too bad." the masked individual spluttered as he pressed his hand against the wound on his neck, blood slipping past his fingers and staining his robes. "Looks like I still live."

"Not for long." Wei Wuxian said after he shifted his hold on Suibian and swung a second time while letting loose a sharp whistle, the dark spirits manifesting behind the masked individual and holding him in place, vastly removing the possibility of him evading a decapitating strike once more.

The masked individual laughed through the blood pouring out his mouth. "Should I release Nie Mingjue, your majesty?"

Upon hearing those words, Suibian stopped just a second before it could once again break the skin of the masked individual's neck. Wei Wuxian gritted his teeth, taking a step closer despite the obvious dangers and narrowing his eyes at the masked individual, red eyes glowing brighter due to the threat.

"Is that hesitation I see?" the masked individual questioned in a mocking tone. "It would seem that Nie Mingjue is a truly frightening opponent even for you."

Wei Wuxian gritted his teeth to the point that his gums began to bleed from the force, the anger bubbling within his chest rising to dangerous levels. "To think that I would hear his name from your lips. Could it be that you have discovered where he rests? But that is impossible for we had done everything within our power to hide its location from others."

"I do not believe you know of that name through pure coincidence." he continued as he pressed Suibian closer to be threatening but not enough to insinuate a decapitation. "So tell me where you learned of it."

"But I did find him." the masked individual said through pained coughs. "And on the signal of my death, he and the other one with him will be released. If you refuse to believe me, how about you take my head right now and figure out whether I was telling the truth or not?"

The masked individual lowered his hand from his neck, allowing the blood to flow freely, and grabbed the blade. "Do you dare? Or do you not?"

Wei Wuxian closed his eyes, sending enough spiritual power through Suibian to stop the bleeding but not enough to heal the injury, before he withdrew the blade without caring about slashing through the masked individual's palm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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