Chapter 2: Back When They First Met Wen Ruyu

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"Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan, look at what I found!"

Wei Wuxian ran through the hallways towards where Lan Wangji stood.

His beloved was watching Lan Sizhui practice his martial arts alongside Lan Jingyi, Jin Rulan, and Ouyang Zizhen. However, when he heard Wei Wuxian's voice, his gaze immediately shifted from the boys to look at the man he loves.

"What is it?" he questioned when Wei Wuxian stopped in front of him.

Wei Wuxian grinned and rolled open the paper in his hand, shoving it in Lan Wangji's face due to his excitement. "Look! Look! A map of the mortal world!"

Lan Wangji calmly grabbed his wrist, moving his arm away so he could properly examine the map.

Upon hearing his words, the boys stopped practicing and ran towards him. They stumbled over each other in their desire to reach the couple first. And currently, Lan Jingyi was the nearest, since his position during practice was closest to the hallway.

Jin Rulan wasn't going to let him that easily though. So he tugged the robe of Lan Jingyi, making him stumble backwards into Lan Sizhui. He tossed a smirk behind him, greatly irritating the two, then continued to run towards the couple. "Let me see!" Jin Rulan stretched his arms out in attempt to snatch the map away.

"No way!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed as he moved Lan Wangji, so Jin Rulan crashed into his beloved's back.

The young Jin exclaimed in pain as his face hit Lan Wangji's back. He held his nose as he fell to the floor, tears gathering at the corner of his eyes, while the laughter of his friends echoed in the background.

Lan Jingyi laughed loudly as he raised a hand to point at Jin Rulan. "Looks like you got your price for reaching them first, Jin Ling! How was it? Did you enjoy it? Was it worth it? Are you overjoyed?"

"Ji-Jingyi, stop." Lan Sizhui tried, but even he was having a difficult time reigning in his laughter. His shoulders were shaking violently, but he had a better hold on himself compared to Lan Jingyi.

Ouyang Zizhen wasn't fairing well either. He was biting his lower lip. His entire frame trembling, while tears were flowing down his cheeks from how hard he was trying not to laugh. Then he made one mistake.

He looked at the Lan Jingyi. His control over his laughter quickly crumbled.

The sassy Lan was sprawled on the ground, hysterical laughter spilling from his lips. "Jingyi!" Ouyang Zizhen screeched through his teeth as he still tried his best to hide his laughter. "Stop laughing! I can't-!" His laughter joined Lan Jingyi's as he too collapsed to the ground.

Jin Rulan glared at them, a hand still over his nose. "Shut up! It's not funny! It hurts!" He rubbed his nose, pouting.

Wei Wuxian gave the map to Lan Wangji and approached Jin Rulan. He crouched in front of him, gently grabbing the younger immortal's chin so he was facing the older. "Remove your hand, let me see."

Jin Rulan glared at him, but followed. He moved his hand away and let it fall to his lap.

Wei Wuxian examined his face, tilting his chin left and right before he smiled and released his hold on Jin Rulan. "You just smacked your face. You'll be fine in no time. No worries." He ruffled his hair.

Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen's laughter in the background began to mellow down, tears gathered in the corners of their eyes from laughing so hard.

"It's all because you didn't want to show me that stupid map! What's so special about it anyway? It's just the mortal world." Jin Rulan huffed, crossing his arms.

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