Chapter 9: Choose Between Good Mood, Bad Mood, and Immortal Mood

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"What a beautiful strike!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed with a proud grin as he and Lan Wangji arrived just as Wen Kexing threw his fan to rid of all the remaining assassins rushing towards them. "Look at that wrist control! And the blood, look, Lan Zhan! Look at how it sprayed oh so beautifully across the stone road. It's like when—"

Lan Wangji covered his mouth before the man he loves could say anything more that could further terrify the mortals who stood near where they were. "Wei Ying, there is no need to admire the bloodstains so much." he said, shaking his head, then he smiled fondly. "Besides, the way you kill our enemies is far more lovely."

"Aw." Wei Wuxian cooed as he moved Lan Wangji's hand away from his mouth and kissed his palm. "Now that makes me want to kill a nearby monster. Just so you can see my lovely side again."


Shen Shen, who had accidentally reunited with the rest of the youths within the mortal group, tossed a concerned yet at the same time disturbed expression towards the couple. Then he slowly inched closer towards Zhang Chengling, and whispered, "Who are they, Chengling?"

Zhang Chengling looked at him and shook his head. He knew nothing, much like his Uncle Shen who had just arrived in time to join the group and witness the incoming chaos that was about to unfold with the arrival of the immortals.


"But you're always lovely, Wei Ying."

Jiang Wanyin made a disgusted face and faked a gag as he walked past the couple. "First, you two need help because that was just downright disturbing. Second, could you stop trying to eat each other in broad daylight? It's traumatizing enough to hear you at night. I don't need nor want to see it, especially during the morning."

"Hey! We don't make it a habit to announce that we're a couple, you know!" Wei Wuxian protested with a huff as he glared at Jiang Wanyin. "Besides, what's wrong with cuddling with my husband? I miss him!"

"It hasn't been that long, Wei Wuxian." Jiang Wanyin scoffed, crossing his arms with an eyebrow raised. "Don't be such a baby."

Lan Wangji wrapped his arms around Wei Wuxian's waist. "Wei Ying is my baby. It's understandable."

Cao Weining and Zhang Chengling looked at each other, concerned and at the same time disturbed by what Wei Wuxian had said earlier, but chose to remain silent as they didn't know him. And from that brief introduction with hearing his thoughts about the death of their enemies, they were certain that the man was dangerous.

Which meant that Lan Wangji was also dangerous. And they travelled with him. For several hours.

The thought made them tremble.

Not Gu Xiang, though. Because the moment she heard the voices of the two immortals, the biggest smile spread across her lips and she turned towards their direction immediately. "Uncle Wei! Old man! You're here!"

"Oi!" Jiang Wanyin exclaimed in annoyance as he glowered at Gu Xiang. "Stop calling me old man, you brat!"

"I'll stop calling you old man if you stop calling me brat, old man!"

Jiang Wanyin scowled at her. "Why you little—!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down, both of you!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed as he wiggled himself out of Lan Wangji's arms and stood between the father-daughter pair in an attempt to placate the rising conflict between the two hotheads. "Jiang Cheng came here to visit you, A-Xiang, don't be overly rude. And Jiang Cheng, stop being so harsh to A-Xiang, I know you miss her."

The both of them glared at him and screamed, "Shut up!"

It was then that Lan Wangji took matters into his own hands and glared at the both of them, while once again wrapping his arms around Wei Wuxian. "Don't direct your anger at Wei Ying. Calm down and be truthful for once. It might do wonders to the both of you."

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