Chapter 20: Mortal Weakness Does Not Immortally Remain a Weakness

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When Zhao Jing crumpled to the ground after receiving a final sword strike from Wen Kexing, a bloodied figure laying on the ground before someone clothed in pristine silver robes, the surrounding area echoed with the shocked silence of those who witnessed the fated battle. Then after several calming breaths, firm footsteps that broke through the silence rang out as Wen Kexing approached the man who brought about the death of his biological parents.

"You deserve it." he spat with all the animosity that accumulated within his heart throughout the years since his parents were killed.

And with that, the grudge he held deep within his heart had been fulfilled. Exhaling a deep breath that seemed to carry with it the burdens that used to suffocate him, he turned to look at Zhou Zishu, but that was when he stiffened with a complicated expression—because he didn't know how to confront the other after what he had done to achieve his goal.


Two conflicted souls stared at each other, unsure of how to act now that they met once again, until relief flooded Zhou Zishu and all he could do was display a proud smile that also managed to depict the happiness he felt at the return of his soulmate.

With the stalemate between the two now broken, Wen Kexing found himself returning the smile with a heavy breath of satisfaction before he could stop himself.


One step after another, he approached Zhou Zishu with Baiyi in hand and a hopeful glint in his eyes, before he found himself biting the inside of his lip due to nervousness when the man he considered his soulmate turned his back towards him. He stopped for a second, thinking of ways that could possibly help him placate the anger of Zhou Zishu, but soon found himself lacking any ideas.

So with much hesitation in his every step, he walked towards the certainly angered male and tried his best to act as he normally would. "A-Xu." he called, holding Baiyi out for Zhou Zishu to take. "Here, your sword."

When the man he considered his soulmate turned to face him with an aggrieved expression that seemed to also contain unexplainable anger, he pursed his lips and swallowed the entire lump of fear that got stuck within his throat as he reached over to grasp the other's hand while also handing over Baiyi. Then he forced himself to smile. "Let us return home first, alright? Once we have returned, I will explain everything. When you have finished listening, I will allow you to do what you wish to me without any struggle whatsoever. You have my word."

Still in an angered state, Zhou Zishu raised his hand to strike Wen Kexing in the cheek, but found himself merely patting the cheeky male on the cheek with a heavy hand. Gritted teeth and an unwavering glare, he refused to yield even in the presence of all the other martial artists.

"Zhou Xu." Wen Kexing said in a light tone as he took hold of Zhou Zishu's hand before lowering it. "This is the best day of my whole life. I hope you can refrain from beating me in front of all these people."

Zhou Zishu pursed his lips before he released a heavy breath, pulling his hand out of Wen Kexing's grasp to punch him lightly on the chest. "Alright. I will hold onto the grudge of today and keep it in mind for another day. And if you think to run from me, then make certain that you can also hide from your parents because I will tell them."

Wen Kexing chuckled. "I will make sure to remember that."

"Master!" Zhang Chengling called as he ran over to their side. "Martial Uncle!"

"Little Idiot, come." Wen Kexing said with a smile. "Let us go home." Then both he and Zhang Chengling wrapped their arm around one of Zhou Zishu's before herding him away, their overjoyed expressions an amusing contrast to the displeased expression of the man who was squished between their frames.

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