Chapter 2

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Over the next couple of days, Rowan kept a close eye on the woman as she interacted with his King. He had a suspicious feeling about this whole thing. Something simply didn't add up with this whole situation. Why had the King not shown up? And why send a Princess instead? Why had he not sent word to them that there had been a change in who was coming? Was it that King Nabil had learned of Caspian's womanizing ways and sent this beautiful girl as a distraction? Rowan hated the unknown and knew who to go to for the answers he sought.

Many times he had tried to walk up to the Princess and confront her. But every time he did. He got caught up in her beauty. Yes, her physical beauty is what you noticed first but she had an inner beauty as well. She was humble beyond belief. Rowan watched many a time were she thanked the workers whenever they did something for her.

One day there had been a commotion in the kitchen. He was asked to check it out. Turns out the Princess had baked a trayful of sweets for the kitchen staff as a thank you for the feast they had prepared when she first got here. He had to carefully explain to her to not do this as the kitchen staff worked very hard to keep tight tabs on all of their supplies. Shilo had apologized profusely and offered to buy more ingredients to replace the ones she had carelessly used.

The dull interior of the war room had Shilo bored out of her mind. The clutter and lack of natural light brought her down. She did her best to keep a cheerful outlook but it didn't keep Caspian from catching on. She had jumped at the opportunity when he suggested sitting amongst the flowers of the King's private garden.

Most days they sat upon an embroidered blanket in the middle of a field of soft petaled daisies. Shilo had busied her hands with working the beautiful flowers into a chain as King Caspian went into detail about the peace treaty.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to give your people whatever they need to rebuild. My father and his armies were in the wrong to try and take over your home." Shilo stood up to walk over to Rowan and handed him the flower crown that she had weaved. "Here this is for you, Sir Rowan." She smiled sweetly at him before she began to gather more flowers for a second crown.

Caspian smiled at Shilo as he watched her pluck more of the white flowers. He held a dreamy air to himself when around her.

"Caspian, I see what you're doing..." Rowan complained.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Caspian did his best to ignore Rowan.

"I can not apologize enough for all the things our people did to yours. I wish to make it better with peace between our planets."

"And that's what we will achieve, Princess Shilo." Caspian smiled at her as she sat back down. "You are helping to forge a new future between our two lands." He reached out to the pile of flowers she had made. "May I make one?"

Shilo nodded. "Of course. Do you know how?"

Rowan huffed. How dare she disregard his skills. Although he wasn't sure Caspian knew how to weave flowers. "Here my lord, have mine." He offered out the flower crown to his King.

"I can make my own. Thank you, Rowan." Caspian forced a smile and turned his attention back to the Princess. "I think I know what to do but would you mind showing me how?" He scooted over to offer her a spot next to him.

Shilo took the seat and carefully instructed the King on how to weave flowers into a wearable item.

Rowan carefully inspected the flowers looking for anything she may have weaved into the chain. Upon finding nothing, he declared it safe and continued to hold it.

"Put it on your head, silly." Shilo giggled as she worked on her next chain. Rowan snorted his disapproval and shook his head.

"Ah, come on big guy, put it on. I bet you'll look cute." Caspian teased with a wink.

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