Chapter 20

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Days passed by as the two journeyed from town to town. Only stopping for a few hours at a time. One morning they were milling around the market buying some food that will travel well.

"Casp. I'm getting worried, we've been to so many towns and haven't seen anything" Rowan sighed heavily.

Caspian patted his friend's back reassuringly. "Don't worry my friend we will find her."

The sweet little woman running the stand turned to the men with a curious look. She began bagging their vegetables with her husband. "Did you boys lose something?"

Rowan gave a long side look to Caspian before anwsering. "Well...we are looking for a lost girl. She's about ye tall, with long black hair and bright purple eyes. And she's pregnant. She's very pregnant..." Rowan desperately described his lost wife.

"I have seen a girl matching that description." The woman's eyes lit up with the joy to finally talk about something other than vegetables.

"You have! Where did you see her?" Rowan nearly jumped over the counter at her in his excitement. Caspian grabbed at Rowan's arm to pull him back so that the lady could finish.

"I think it was...about two weeks ago. She came through with a man, he was tall and had black hair." She turned to her husband. "Where did they say they were headed?"

The man turned towards the trio. "I think they said east but they caught a cart out of town that was heading north..."

Caspian and Rowan shared a confused look. "Are you sure?" They asked.

"Oh didn't they catch a ride with the old man that lives just out of town?" She asked her husband.

"Yeah, Old Jimmy. He takes hay to the next town over. It's just north over the mountains."

"Thank you two so much." Rowan barely contained his excitement as he paid for the food they had bought. He started a beeline for the mountains, with Caspian barely catching his friend running off.

"Hey! Where are you going?" He asked as he caught up to his friend.

"That woman said Shilo was going to the north so that's where I'm heading."

Caspian gave a side glance to his friend but fell in step with him. "Are you sure that it's really Shilo?"

"It has to be..." Rowan's face reflected the worry that he held in his soul. "Plus I want to find out who is with her."

Caspian nodded, Rowan had a good gut for things. He would never intentionally lead Caspian astray.

They had made it a good ways into the mountains before nightfall came. Finding a small cave just off the trail that led further up and away from the main road. It made for good shelter from the terrible storm that was raging outside.

Rowan stared out at the storm before picking up into his pacing again. This storm was greatly deterring them from moving as quickly as possible.

Caspian settled into the nearby rock wall trying to relax and take it easy for the night. "Man, just calm down and rest for a while."

Rowan gave a low growl that echoed into the cave. "How can I rest? We finally have a lead and this..this damned storm is preventing me from getting to her! I want to know who she's with and if he's hurting her or not!" Rowan's anger grew as he paced until he finally came to the cave wall and punched it with all his might.

The crunch of bones gave a small echo as he pulled his fist away. He cupped it carefully as he went to Caspian and flopped next to him.

"Did you break it?" Caspian asked the annoyance heavy in his voice.

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