Chapter 14

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Bellamy lifted the cellar door, it was dark down in that hole. Shilo peered over the edge, dread filling her heart.

"Come before they are on our door." Bellamy headed down the ladder and held it stable for Shilo to climb. He hurried back up, once she was safely on the ground. "Shilo be quiet and we will get you the moment the coast is clear. I'm sorry to have to do this to you."

"It is alright...I understand." Shilo held her hands in front of her as she watched the door above her close.

Bellamy and Elliora quickly replaced the rug and table. "Timmothy come here at once!" She chidded the boy. He came down the stairs dutifully to his mother. They began to pretend to set up for dinner when a knock came to the door. Bellamy stode over and carefully opened the door to answer it.

"Yes? Can I help you?" He asked as he kept the door mostly closed.

A mob of angry men stood outside his door. They held axes, pitchforks and torches with them. One man at the front of the mob did all the talking. "Word is that a fight has broken out in the palace, we are gathering able bodied men to go and fight for his majesty. Will you join us brother?"

Bellamy opened the door further and allowed the men to peer inside. Elliora and Timmothy stood behind him, scared expressions on their faces as they peered back at the men. "Dear what's going on?" She asked, feigning worry.

Bellamy moved his left hand, it's gears grinding, catching the attention of the main man.

"You've served in the war. Most with injuries like yours have." He stated.

"Yes I have. And I am afraid that I may be of no use to you in this fight. I wish to stay here with my family for as long as I have them." Bellamy wore a sad expression.

"I can respect that. Stay safe my brother." The man nodded to Bellamy. "Onwards men! We must aid King Caspian at once!" The men left down the road towards the palace.

Bellamy closed the door and locked it before hurrying back into the kitchen. "Hurry move the table." He instructed as he grabbed as side of the table his wife grabbing the other side. Once the door was opened he reached down into the darkness and helped pull Shilo out.

Elliora gave a look. "You can't stay here. It's far too dangerous."

Shilo nodded. "I know, and I apologize for being such a burden. I need to leave."

"Like I said you are not leaving alone. Where are you heading?" Bellamy asked as he moved towards the stairs. The women followed him as he moved into his bedroom and crouched next to the bed. He pulled out a large pack and began to move about the room filling it with things. "We will get you back to the palace safe and sound." Bellamy looked up to the women and gave a soft smile. "The both of you."

"Bellamy what if more men come here? One's that aren't so kind? Are you willing to leave your wife and child behind undefended?" Elliora didn't look very happy.

Shilo stepped to the side and let Bellamy pass to head back downstairs where he began to fill the pack with food. "You will be fine Elliora. I want you and Timmothy to head over to our neighbor's house. They have spare rooms for you two to stay and many young men working the farm to keep you safe."

"What if they get drafted into this war? What then?" Elliora chidded.

"The Lady who owns the farm is older and has survived the previous war by herself. I trust that she can provide aquatie help. Please I need you two to stay safe while I'm gone." His tone told her not to argue.

"'re leaving us..." Elliora bit her lip as her eyes filled.

Bellamy stepped close to his wife and held her in his arms. "I'm sorry to do this to you but I have to protect the crown. It's my sworn duty and I've already failed Shilo once. I can't do it again..."

Shilo stepped forward and looked to Elliora. "Ma'am your husband is doing this country and our home a great service. He is a very skilled knight and I promise that he will return home in no worse condition than he is in now. And upon my safe return to the palace I will make sure your family is well compensated for all your help.. Even your great grandchildren will not know what it is like to go without." She took Elliora's hand. "It's my promise as a Princess to help your family in any way that I can. But I can't do that without Bellamy's help." Shilo filled her words with as much hope as she could.

Elliora didn't want to believe her. She fought off her emotions as she took her hand back from the Princess. "Get out...just go" She said coldly as she turned around to hide the tears escaping her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Shilo murmured as she stepped down the hallway to give them some privacy.

Bellamy took his wife into his arms one more time. She fought against him for a moment then settled in as she laid her head on his broad chest. The tears flowing freely. "Stupid..." She mumbled as he stroked her hair.

"Yes...but you knew that from the day that I met you." He cupped her chin gently in his hand. "I love you Elliora. I will return to you." He said softly. The brush of his lips met with hers.

Her hands tightened into his shirt as she clung to him. Fervorously she moved her lips against his, taking in all the curves, the softness, the taste of his mouth. She needed it all. She didn't know how long he'd be gone or if he would be back. "Bell...I love you." She whispered through tears. She pushed away from him and ran up the stairs, she couldn't bear to watch him leave with another woman.

Bellamy sighed to himself, he hated leaving her like this. It hurt his heart to leave but he needed to help Shilo and the further away he was from her and Timmothy the better it would be for them. If King Nabil found out he was still alive he would surely kill Bellamy and his family.

"Let's go." He told Shilo as he headed towards her. She held a somber look as she averted her eyes away from him.

"I'm sorry to cause so much grief for your family." She whispered.

It was nearly Midnight when Bellamy and Shilo left. Bellamy led Shilo in such a way that his family couldn't tell which direction that they had gone. Just in case someone were to find out about him helping the Princess.

"Where are you heading Shy?" Bellamy asked once they neared the outskirts of town.

"I don't know. Rowan..." Her heart felt like it was tangled in barbed wire as she said his name. The unimaginable played in her head as she thought of what her father would do to him. "He...just told me to run and that he would catch up to me."

Bellamy saw the hesitation in Shilo, he placed a calming hand on her shoulder and stroked gently. "Hey..he's the bodyguard to the King. He's got to be brave as do you. If he's a strong enough man to protect the King and to love you then he'll make it through this." Bellamy's smile was soft yet reassuring.

Shilo managed a smile back and nodded as she wiped her face dry. "You're right. Then let's get as much distance between us and the palace as we can."

Bellamy nodded and ushered Shilo to his side as they hiked through the countryside.

"Are you sure about leaving your family behind?" Shilo carried concern with her.

"They'll be safer at the neighbor's house." He smiled coyly at Shilo. "Besides I can't let a pregnant woman wander around by herself. What kind of knight would that make me?"

Shilo giggled. Bellamy was still his old goofy self. "You haven't changed a bit." She said with a smile.

"Once a knight always a knight." He replied happily. "You haven't changed much either." He looked over at the beautiful woman beside him. His heart melted as she moved gracefully over the rocky terrain. He couldn't deny that he still had feelings for her. They were once lost deep in his heart but seeing her alive had rekindled those feelings.

"As I told your wife, I will make sure to repay you for all your troubles." Her smile set his heart ablaze. He had always lost it when she smiled at him. He'd often times get scolded by the older knights during training for staring off into the distance for too long. Luckily he had kept the secret that he had been enamored by the Princess's beauty, only his best friend Ken had caught him once or twice but had never spoken a word of it.

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