Chapter 12

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Shilo rushed through the corridor as quickly as her feet would carry her. She did her best not to trip, for if she did it would not only cost her life but her child's life as well. She knew not how long this tunnel was nor where it would lead her.

Once she found her exit, she took extra care not to be seen exiting the tunnel. She crawled through the bushes that acted as doors to the tunnel and made her way down a footpath. The town surrounding the castle still looked peaceful in the moonlight of the early evening, bugs hummed their sweet melodies as if they had not a care in the world. Orange glow stones lit the pathway along a stone wall.

She followed the path towards the outskirts of town. Everything was too peaceful out here. Perhaps word of the castle being overtaken had not yet reached out this far. But soon the whole countryside would know. Luckily for Shilo, not many townsfolk were out this night.

A sudden realization came over Shilo. She was dressed in fine silks and robes. Surely anyone with half a brain would notice her clothing and call her out for being out of place. She needed to dump her royal garb as quickly as possible but she did not want to wander the countryside naked as she would still stand out that way. It's not every day one would see a naked pregnant woman wandering around.

Luck was on her side as she wandered past a simple looking farmhouse, the residents had left their wash out to dry. With a heavy heart and a sigh, she decided to steal the clothes. 'I'll repay them once I get back to the palace.' She thought to herself. She quickly discarded her clothes and changed into the peasant's clothes.

"Wow! You're really pretty!" A small voice called from behind her.

Shilo jumped at the child's voice, turning to see a boy of perhaps eight standing there. He had short brown hair and tan skin, he looked to be a mix of human and elven. The light of his home flowing out into the yard.

"Hi pretty lady!" He said with a friendly smile.

Shilo smiled shyly back at the child as she waved to him.

"Timmothy who in the world are you talking to?" A woman's voice came from behind the boy. A woman with the same tan skin and elven features appeared in the doorway, her jaw dropping as she saw the woman in her yard. She had beautiful brown hair that was tied into a low bun behind her head. Her emerald eyes shinning in the dim light. " that my dress?! Theief!" She began to yell.

Shilo stepped forward and shushed the woman. "Please don't turn me in. Forgive me for stealing but I am in need of help." Shilo begged the woman.

The woman eyed Shilo then the pile of royal clothing laying on the ground. She took her son by the shoulders and held him to her as she kept her eyes on Shilo. "Why should I trust you? Have you stolen from the royal court too?"

"No ma'am. Please if you could help me, I might be able to explain." Shilo looked around frantically. She got down on her knees and held her hands together as she bowed her head to the woman. "Please. I am preagant and on the run, something terrible has happened in the palace."

The woman still carried an expression of concern as she turned towards the house and ushered her son in. "Come inside and explain to me why I shouldn't turn you in."

Shilo's eyes lit up as she bowed her head again before collecting her clothes and rushing inside. "Thank you." She uttered as she passed the woman.

"Timmothy, go watch for your father and let him in. This way to the kitchen." The woman led Shilo to a family table with four chairs around it.

"Yes momma!" The boy said chipperly as he scurried off upstairs.

"Sit." The woman instructed as she took a seat of her own. "Start explaining...why do you have royal dress and why are you wearing my clothes?"

Shilo took a seat across from the woman, depositing her clothes on the floor. "I'm sorry to burden you, especially so late. I am Princess Shilo, something terrible has befallen the palace. An opposing King has attacked and is planning a hostile takeover of the kingdom, I fear King Caspian and my beloved Rowan are in mortal danger." Shilo fought the tears that wanted to well up in her eyes. She dare not think of the horrors that will befall the men if they did not escape.

"And why should I believe this? The town guard has not said anything of this yet. You could be some vagrant just trying to get all your worth off of me." The woman crossed her arms over her chest.

Shilo fidgeted with her hands under the table. "It just happened moments ago. Word probably hasn't had time to spread yet. Please, I beg you. I need to get out of town...if...if I'm caught my baby will surely be killed."

The woman's eyes grew sympathetic, she had had many years of disappointment in trying to conceive a child. She knew it was most women's desire to be a mother. She thought of if she were in the same position of what she might do.

" father King Nabil Icabod is a wicked man and he will kill my child given the chance."

Just then Timmothy came running down the stairs. His feet echoing on the stairs underneath him. "Momma! Papa's home!"

"Well what are you waiting for go let him in!" She chided the child.

Soon Timmothy was returning with a tall figure following behind him. Once the figure came to light Shilo's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe her eyes. She knew the man who stood before her.

In her haste to stand she knocked over her chair drawing all attention to herself as the chair tumbled to the stone floor. Her eyes watered as her heart filled with joy of love's past. "Bellamy?" She exclaimed.

The man was tall, not nearly as tall as Rowan, he had deep ebony locks like Shilo. His eyes were as blue as the ocean, his skin tanned from long hard days out in the fields. All of his laboring gave his body a slightly toned look, only defining his broad shoulders more. His left arm, no longer flesh, had been replaced with a metal one. While not fully functional he could still articulate his fingers enough to do his work.

The man was confused for but a moment as recognition took over his eyes lit up and his heart began to race. He knew the woman standing in his kitchen. But why was she here? "Sh-shilo?" He asked bewildered.

They rushed to each other and embraced firmly. Shilo's tears poured over as she held her dearest close. "Oh, Bellamy! I thought you were dead!"

*Author's note* Hi there! Hope you are enjoying the story. Since it's now fall at the time of writing this I wanted to ask y'all. 

A)What are your favorite things about the season?

Mine are the autumn breeze, the leaves changing colors, and Halloween

B)Are you a pumpkin spice kind of person?

I'm not a huge fan of it but I still try it out. :) 

C)Do you have a fall-themed thing/event that you enjoy?

I like hayrides and pumpkin patches.

Thanks for being here! *End of Author's note*

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