Chapter 8

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The meeting couldn't have dragged on any longer. Rowan stood in the corner only half paying attention to what was going on in the room. He needed to get back to Shilo. He hated that he had left her all alone to go to the healer. Why was he so dumb to not stay with her.

King Caspian stood up and shook hands with the Ambassador, signaling the end of the meeting. Instead of staying through the pleasantries, Rowan bolted from the room as if his ass were on fire and he desperately needed it put out.

The suns were setting casting shadows over the castle. A light breeze carried gentle clouds overhead. Shilo stood next to the balcony, leaning on her forearms to enjoy the cool afternoon sunshine. She had a calmness about her at this moment and couldn't wait to see Rowan again.

He grew less frantic as his beautiful Shilo came into sight. Her soft black hair gently waved in the light breeze as she stood overlooking the gardens. She held a soft smile that warmed his heart and led him to believe everything was going to be okay. He slid into place next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her to his side. "Is everything okay?" He asked quietly, Terrified of the answer.

She turned to him and nodded slowly. She then picked up his large hand and played with his fingers for a moment. "Yes. I'm fine."

Rowan saw the tears building up in her eyes. He wanted to cup her face in his hands but she wouldn't let go of him. "Then...why are you crying, my love?" He asked his voice a soft whisper.

"Because..." She took a breath then smiled brilliantly at him. Placing his hand on her belly. "We're having a baby...." She told him softly.

Rowan stood shocked for a moment. His brain running in overdrive to try and understand what she had just said. Her tiny thumb rubbed the back of his hand bringing him back to reality.

"I'm...I'm going to be a" He asked, not really believing himself. The thought played through his mind over and over again until it finally clicked. He let out a yell of excitement as he picked up Shilo and spun her around before pulling her in tight. "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He set Shilo down, keeping his hands on her hips as he stared deeply into her eyes. "No joking? We're going to be parents?"

Shilo nodded to him again as the floodgates broke and tears started dripping down her cheeks. "No joking. We're having a baby..." She sobbed happily.

Rowan buried his face into her neck as she giggled her delight. She kissed his cheek as she hugged him close. Her fingers ran over his massive shoulders.

King Caspian was not too happy that Rowan had just up and run off like he did. Usually, he was more professional than that. He was sure to give him a stern talking to once he found him. As he turned a corner he saw Rowan hunched over hugging Shilo. Caspian huffed and hurried over as quietly as he could. It was very rude to leave the meeting in such a hurry and to not have said one word to the other party.

"Why are we so..." Caspian began as he made himself known but was cut off.

Rowan immediately pushed Shilo behind him and lunged out at the intruder, baring his teeth. His ears pinned back against his head as he released a terrifying growl. One that even Shilo was scared by.

Caspian placed a hand to his chest as he jumped back. "Well..." He scoffed as Rowan came to his senses.

He dropped to a knee and bowed his head to his King, a remorseful look on his face. "Sire....please forgive me. I didn't...I mean, I'm sorry sire.." Rowan ducked his head further to the King.

Caspian straightened out and raised an unenthused eyebrow to Rowan. "Tell me why you growled at me and maybe I can forgive you." He said carefully.

Rowan's cheeks flushed as he glanced up at Caspian's face then back down to the ground. "I was protecting my young sire. My instincts took over and I growled at you for no reason, sire."

Caspian covered his mouth in shock, glancing towards Shilo then back to Rowan. "Young?" He asked.

Shilo was slowly recovering from her own shock as she nodded slightly. "Yes. I'm pregnant, your majesty..." Her words came out soft and shaken.

Caspian's face lit up with joy as he dropped to his knees and tightly hugged Rowan's neck. Laughing joyously as he fought off tears of joy. "I'm going to be an uncle!" He declared as Rowan let out a laugh and hugged his friend back.

"Congrats you old spaz!" Caspian quipped as he punched Rowan's arm.

Later that night Caspian held a picnic outside in the gardens for his friends. The meal was amazing as they dined under the light of the stars. Unfortunately, their celebrations were cut short.

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