Chapter 22

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A woman's groan caught the attention of the cat man. His ears twisted and turned as he listened for the source of the sound. "Not to pry, but do you have another patient?"

The doctor finished up with Caspian. "I do. But that's all I'm willing to share with you." The doctor warned. "Looks like you have a mild case of poison oak. You'll be fine in a day or two with the help of some medicine."

Rowan shared a look with his friend. Both of them had a feeling about this. "Doctor..can I talk to you outside for a moment?"

The doctor and Rowan stepped out of the room as Caspian resituated his pants. "What is it young man?"

Rowan took a deep breath. "I'm looking for my wife. She's been lost for some time. She's ye tall." He held his hand up close to his chest. "She has long beautiful black hair, red lips, fair skin, and pregnant. She actually should be due soon. The last person that knew anything about her said she was traveling with a man."

Rowan didn't hold much hope that the doctor had seen them but it was still worth trying. He needed to find Shilo and their baby. A small part of him hoped that she hadn't delivered yet. Since she told him of their good fortune he had dreamed of being there for her.

The doctor thought about it for a moment. It couldn't be a coincidence, could it? He just happened to have the couple the man just described in the other room. But the young man with the woman had said that they were running from someone. This man could be looking for them but for what reasons?

As the man started to tell him no, yelling came from the other room.

"Doc! We need you in here please!" The young man cried.

"Wait here or with your friend. I need to check on my other patient." He then hurried away into the other room.

Rowan was crestfallen. It wasn't her. It would have been a long stretch anyways. He sighed sadly as he turned to linger infront of Caspian's door.

A tear hung in Rowan's eye but he fought against it. He needed to stay strong for his baby and his wife. Oh how his arms ached to hold her once more.

The doctor poked his head out the door. "Young man. Would you come here for a moment?"

Rowan's heart lurched into hyperspeed. There was a chance. His ears perked up and he turned towards the doctor. Hope flaring to life in his chest. "Yes...?" He asked as he stepped into the open doorway.

The doc held the door open and let the large man look inside. His mouth dropped as his heart began to race even quicker. Clammy hands and shaky nerves plagued him. His throat felt like the desert as he peered in.

Parched and shaky, he took a deep breath and let the tear fall as his legs began to move on their own.

"ROWAN!!" Shilo cried loudly from her bed. Happy tears falling from her eyes. Her heart racing for dear life as her eyes ran over her husband. "You''re..." She choked on her words.

He ran to her like his life depended on it and scooped his little wife up in a tight hug, nearly pulling her from the bed. The top of her head soon became a war zone of feverious kisses.

Shilo was caught in an on slot of giggles and hiccups, her fingers stroked calmly up and down Rowan's arm. It seemed to bring him back down to earth. Soon he was purring happily as he held her protectively. "Rowan you found me." She hiccuped. "You really found me..." She whispered to him.

"Of course I did..." He whispered into her hair. "Shilo...Oh my Shilo...I missed you so much." Rowan loosened his grip but kept clinging to her for a moment more, leaving a few tears in her hair. He sat on the edge of her bed and held her face in his hands, looking over it carefully as he did. Other than a few dirt stains that he quickly brushed away with his thumbs, she was perfect.

Bellamy smiled as his heart swelled with pride for doing his job, but there was a bit more sorrow to it too. He allowed himself out of the room and the house all together, finding a small chair on the back porch. He sat and rubbed his face, he didn't want anyone to see him cry. He couldn't be more overjoyed for Shilo, but deep inside he had fanned the small hope that he would stand a chance of being with her once again.

It had been a small hope, because there would've been Elora and Timmy to think about. No matter how much he loved Shilo, he couldn't just abandon his family.

He sat and fought with the guilt of even thinking of hurting his family and Shilo with his selfish thoughts. No amount of rubbing his face with his hands seemed to make any difference in how he felt.

A noise to his side caught his attention. As he turned he looked to see Rowan hanging in the doorway, a gratified smile on his lips. Bellamy quickly wiped at his face once more. "Oh..." He cleared his throat. "Can I do something for you?"

Rowan took a step closer to the man, his hand outstretched to him. "I just wanted to thank you...."

Bellamy stood and took Rowan's hand and was immediately pulled into a bear hug. It was hard not to smile for just a moment. Rowan released the smaller man, then took a deep breath. He was on the verge of another round of tears. "Thank you so deeply, truly, just thaank..." Rowan took another breath to steady himself. "I can't explain how much I owe you for saving my wife's life and keeping her safe. Not to mention the baby..." Rowan looked out towards the rolling landscape as a soft breeze ruffled his fur. "The doc says that she should have an easy delivery..." A smile worked its way back onto Rowan's face.

Bellamy took a seat again, he was exhausted. Not only from the miles they had trekked but also emotionally, mentally. It was a roller coaster of a day, highs and lows back to back. This whole time he had been living in this fantasy that it was just him and Shilo but in reality that just wasn't true.

"I don't think I could have just left her there. My heart wouldn't have allowed it." Bellamy stated woefully.

"Shilo mentioned that you two know each other." Rowan squinted his eyes as if remembering something. "Actually do I know you too?"

Bellamy chuckled lightly. "I think we may have served in the war for a bit." He smiled at the larger man. "It'd be hard to forget someone like the roaring Rowan."

The old nickname surged to life memories of the past. "You were the guy who had the bad head injury. The one who the docs couldn't identify?"

Bellamy nodded. "It's good to see you again. I'd say I wondered what happened to you but..." He made a light tapping motion with his fist against the side of his head. "I couldn't remember myself let alone anyone else."

The two men soon found themselves wrapped up in an exchange of war stories.

"Hey Rowan..." Caspian poked his head through the open doorway. It was nearly dusk now and neither man noticed how late it had gotten.

"Yeah what is it?" The large man turned to address his King.

Bellamy stared at the thin man for a moment or two when the realization hit him. "OH! Your highness!!" He exclaimed a bit loudly.

Both the King and Rowan lurched forward shushing the man. "We're on the run. Please don't refer to me like that, here I am simply a friend." Caspian smiled towards Bellamy, hoping that he'd play along.

Bellamy leaned back in his chair pushing the front two legs off of the ground. "Wow...what a day...first Shilo goes into labor and now.." He spoke in a whisper. "...I've met the fucking King..."

Capsian chuckled. "Oh Rowan. Why I need to tell you, Shilo is delivering. We can see the bab..." Before he could finish his sentence Rowan was already hitting the stairs to the house.

Wide eyed and panicked he raced up the little porch and into the house, beelineing for Shilo's room.

Bellamy and Caspian shared a chuckle. "Is he always like this?" Bellamy asked.

Caspian nodded his head. "All the damn time." As their laughter faded the two men settled into some light conversation.

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