Chapter 11

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(Graphic violence warning!)

"Whore! Cheater!!!" Her father's voice rang out as he shouted. He stood there a few feet away from them a horrified look on his face. "I knew you would cheat! But but how could you lay with a beast! A beast!!" Nabil made such a scene that he alerted the nearby guards who rushed to see what was going on.

Rowan growled at the portly King tucking Shilo safely behind him as he did. He wanted to keep her as far away from him as possible. "How dare you say those things about her!" He roared.

"Guards! Arrest this woman for the heinous crime of bestiality!! Whore!!!" He screamed at her.

The guards had no clue what was going on but they refused to arrest Shilo. They knew her well and knew she wasn't the one in the wrong here. They instead made a human shield in front of Rowan and Shilo. "Sir you are to leave these grounds at once!" One guard said in a stern tone.

Rowan started pulling Shilo down the hallway. "Run..." He whispered to her. He was getting a bad feeling and wanted to get her and the baby out of there as quickly as he could.

Rowan was right to feel suspicious. King Nabil hailed his own guards and had them chase after Rowan and Shilo. "Guards catch that beast and that whore!"

Rowan held tightly to Shilo's hand refusing to let go of her. He ran down a corridor or two then slipped into a room. It looked like some sort of study but neither of them had time to take in the sights the room had to offer.

"Rowan this is awful. I'm so sorry." Shilo fought back rage and tears as she watched Rowan shove a huge desk in front of the door. He kept barricading the door, trying his best to keep Shilo from crying anymore.

"It's not your fault love. But I am not letting that bastard lay a single finger on you."

Rowan moved away from the door and towards a fireplace. He pressed on a seemingly unnoticeable brick then pulled the fireplace open just enough to let Shilo slip in. "This leads all the way to the edge of town. Follow it out and then keep running. Don't turn around no matter what and don't come back here. I will find you." He looked deeply into her eyes. Wondering if this would be the last time he saw her. "I love you Shilo. Please stay safe."

Shilo refused to let go of his hand. "Rowan don't leave me.. I don't know if I can make it on my own." Her eyes began to fill with tears again.

Rowan pulled her into a close hug then placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'm not leaving you. Just giving you a head start." His thumb brushed the back of her hand gently before letting go. "Now run as far as you can. Don't stop no matter what. Do you understand me?"

"I understand. And Rowan?"

He looked into her eyes. "I love you." She said as her tears stopped. She then turned and ran down the hallway. Fighting her every urge to look back to him.

Rowan let out a sad sigh as he watched her go. Not wanting to waste time he closed the fireplace behind her and readied himself for a fight. His barricade wouldn't hold forever but hopefully between it and him he'd give Shilo enough time to get away.

He didn't have to wait long as the door shook, loud bangs and muffled yelling came from the other side. The door soon exploded inwards, a shower of splinters and wood debris raining outwards from the impact point. Many heavily armed soldiers rushed in.

Rowan did his best to fight the men off. The first two were easily pushed back but half a dozen more where soon on him. Rowan fell to the floor, his hands soon in binds as it took many men to hold him on his knees.

"Where is she! Where is that rotten whore!" King Nabil bellowed as he entered the room. His men began to search the room but could not find anything. No hide nor hair of her found. King Nabil fumed at this and refused to accept that she had gotten away. "Where did you hide her?!" He raised a hand and struck Rowan across the cheek. "Tell me where she is beast or else!"

Rowan wouldn't be swayed so easily. He could endure whatever pain they threw at him. He'd seen war many times in his lifespan, he wasn't afraid to be hurt. Not if it meant that his beloved could be safe. He had to be strong for Shilo and their unborn child. "She's not here." Rowan murmured as he looked at the fat King. He spit at his feet as a fire burnt behind his eyes. "And I will never let you hurt her again!" He growled as he lunged at the King, the five men holding onto him struggled to keep Rowan down.

Nabil stepped ever so closer. "Why would you think I would ever believe a Mongroul such as yourself." He hissed. "Obviously what has happened here is that beast with your wicked ways have swayed my daughter from the King! And you are now planning to force your disgusting species into the ruling class!" The portly King's words were dripping with disdain as his mouth did with the saliva that flew everywhere as he spoke. "Admit it!" He shouted. "You beasts want to overthrow the government in place and force your disgusting beliefs onto the people of this land! But we will not stand for it!"

Rowan quickly found strength in his hate for this man as he lurched forward baring his teeth towards the stubbly King. "She chose me over the King!" He growled through gritted teeth. "I have done nothing but protect and love my wife! And I intend to keep doing just that!"

"You will not address the King like that!" One of the men yelled as he twisted a handful of Rowan's hair pulling his head back, exposing Rowan's throat to the King.

King Nabil's face distorted as he mustered up what spit he could, what was left was a nice large wad of mucus on Rowan's cheek. The spit splattered up his cheek and into his eye.

Rowan gave a deep sigh as he closed his eyes and turned his head away from the portly King. He was done playing games with this monster.

"You will not look away until the King says so!" A second man said as he and the one holding Rowan's hair forced his face back towards King Nabil.

Nabil pointed a crooked finger at Rowan. "I tried to raise my daughters with some why would any of them want some beast! When they could have a real man!?!"

Rowan scoffed as he looked King Nabil in the eye. "I've met worms who are more man than you!" Rowan doubled over in pain as one of the standing guards hit him in the stomach with the hilt of his sword. Rowan chuckled as he looked back up at the King. "Is that all you got?! Fight me, yourself bastard!" He mocked.

Then everything went dark for Rowan as one of the guards had found a heavy piece of the broken door and slammed it against the back of his head. Rowan dropped to the ground like a bag of potatoes.

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