Chapter 25

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Rowan chased Shilo down the tunnel. He was too late the bars had already shut and she was on the outside. He watched as she walked forward, not so much as a glance back. He sighed, there wasn't anything else he could do for her right now.

"Back away from the bars." One guard told him sternly.

"Fuck you. That's my wife out there." Rowan ignored the guard but removed his hands from the bars.

Shilo stood in the arena her father King Nabil stood across from her, both with swords in hand. "Are you sure you wish to face me, daughter?" He asked a smug grin plastered on his face.

She readied herself and took up a stance without answering him. Her demeanor was all he needed before he took up a stance himself.

"I wish you hell!!" King Nabil yelled as he took the first swing at her.

Shilo jumped out of the way and as she swung around to block his next attack their swords clicked together. At first, it seemed as if he had the upper hand and would get her but soon she was on the offensive swinging against him. She managed to get a slice out of his left arm. She smiled and he glared at her.

"You think you've won since you got a move-in on me? Think again!" He yelled as he swung low and caught her off guard she barely dodged in time to miss the full brunt of the swipe as he cut through her armor and into her side. She let out a shriek of pain that drove Rowan mad.

Rowan sat there, holding onto the bars of the gate again. Shaking them violently as he tried to get into the arena with his Shilo. "She's gonna get killed!" He cried out in worry.

"What did I say?!" The guard made a move toward Rowan.

Caspian walked up, he had no words to help his friend. "Rowan just trust in her, she's stronger than she looks." Caspian smiled at his friend as he put a calm hand on his arm. "If she can deal with you and your shit she can put up with anything."

Rowan smiled for a moment then realized what his friend had said and quickly clocked him over the head, not being in the mood for fun and games he turned his attention back to the fight, and what little of it he could see.

Caspian rubbed his head and made toward the guard. He would have to talk to Rowan about that outburst later. "Stand down good sir. Your King demands it."

The guard relaxed his position and left Rowan alone.

Shilo winced through the pain as she used her sword to stand up clutching her side.

"Just like your mother a poor pathetic excuse for a woman...I should disown you for wanting to lay with animals. Now you will die like one too!" He scowled down at her.

She growled as she regained her footing and took a swing at him, Their swords clashed together as he blocked her swing and slid his sword down the length of hers. "My mother was a saint! She loved you no matter what you did. She smiled through everything you put her through! She loved you and you treated her like scum!" It looked as if Shilo had gotten the upper hand but she couldn't hold on any longer as he overpowered her and she fell to the ground, her sword was knocked from her hand.

The crowd gasped as the King slashed out at her.

Rowan shook the gate harder and harder straining his neck to see his beloved. "Let me in damn it!" He cried out as he heard Shilo scream. "I need in!!" He yelled as he shook the bars more.

"Rowan calm down! It's not over yet!" Caspian tried to calm him down.

Rowan banged the gate one more time before angry tears welled up in his eyes.

A hush fell over the crowd as they took in the bloody scene before them.

"You dirty You know the power I hold." King Nabil said as he flicked the blood from his sword and turned to the crowd. "Does anyone else wish to challenge my might?!"

Suddenly screams rang out as a mighty roar came from the lower arena.

King Nabil turned his attention toward the commotion and chuckled. 'So the beast IS here....' He smirked as he began to walk toward the noise.

Rowan continued to roar as he tore at the gate trying his hardest to get through. He had managed to put a dent in the bars on the gate. But at the cost of bloodying his hands.

The crowd gasped but it was too late King Nabil never saw it coming. Shilo wasn't out, no. Instead, she staggered to her feet, adrenaline running fiercely through her body with blood pouring down her face from where her left eye had been sliced, she grabbed her sword and dug it deep into her father's stomach.

He turned to look behind him and saw the woman on the other end of the sword. Slowly he began to spit up blood.

"Now you will feel the pain of everyone you've ever hurt...." she whispered as she twisted the sword.

He winced and tried in vain to say something but he just collapsed into a heap on the ground.

Shilo stood triumphantly in the center of the arena as the crowd went crazy with cheers for her. She held her head high as she walked towards the gate she entered from. She said not a word to anyone and she refused help until she was well into the tunnel where no one outside could see her and then she staggered into the wall and fell to her knees clutching her side.

Rowan ran to her and looked her over in a panic. "Shilo! You did it, baby..." He said. She smiled at him before her eyelids fluttered closed.

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