Chapter 26

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Rowan held onto Shilo's hand and gently stroked the back of it. The fight with her father had taken a lot out of her. He frowned at the large bandage wrapped around her head. It covered much of her beautiful face.

The Palace healers tried to save her eye but there was too much damage, and she would never be able to see out of it again.

A soft cry came from behind him, Augustus had woken up from his nap and was probably ready for a feeding. The newborn was moved here after the rest of the men who aligned themselves with King Nabil were taken care of. He reluctantly let go of Shilo's hand to get up and hold the baby. As he sat back down with the fussy infant,

The wet nurse entered the room and hurried to Rowan. "Is he hungry?" She asked softly. 

"I think so..." Rowan replied as he started to hand the crying infant over.

"Wait..." came a soft voice from beside him. Augustus' cries had woken Shilo and now she moved carefully as she attempted to sit up.

"Shy! Don't move you're still very injured!" Rowan scolded.

Shilo smiled when she got comfortable. "Let me see him..." she whispered. Her voice was too weak to speak much higher.

Rowan handed the infant to her, she nestled him down into the crook of her arm and he seemed to feel better immediately. "If you need me I'll just be in the other room." The nurse smiled and closed the curtain patrician as she left.

Shilo pulled down her shirt and then put the baby on her breast and he knew what to do. They stayed silent for a moment as they watched the baby nurse, still mesmerized by the little life they had created.

"Shilo..." Rowan breathed. She turned her head and smiled at him. "I'm glad you're okay." He picked up her free hand and began to gently stroke it again.

"Me too...I'm sorry I did that but I had to. I couldn't let him keep hurting these people..." She looked to the notch in Rowan's ear and sighed. "Hurting you...." She whispered the last words. He leaned in and softly kissed her cheek.

"But you didn't have to risk your life..." He rubbed her hand more. "I know. And honestly, I wouldn't have made it out of there if it weren't for you."

He questioned her for a moment. "How?" He finally asked.

"When you roared and distracted my father, you gave me enough time to get up and finish the fight." She said softly with some remorse.

Rowan frowned slightly and continued to rub Shilo's hand. "You did what you had to. Now the people are free under King Caspian again." Rowan explained.

Shilo nodded then sighed as she leaned back, earning herself an unhappy noise from Augustus. "What? Can't mommy lay back and rest her head?" She asked as she rubbed the infant's leg. He nestled further into her as he continued to nurse.

Rowan chuckled a little as he used his other hand to stroke his wife's cheek. "Don't worry honey. With some more rest, you'll be back on your feet in no time." He said with a smile.

"So, was I out long? All I remember is walking down the hallway and then blackness...." She shook her head lightly with a wince.

"You've been unconscious for three days." Rowan sighed.

"I've been out for three days?!" Shilo gasped.

Rowan nodded as he gently rubbed her hand some more. "Yes. The healers believe you went into a coma to heal. We weren't sure when or if you'd wake again....."

Shilo could see the tears hanging in her husband's eyes. "Rowan...." she whispered.

A knock came on the door as Rowan leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll see who it is," he said softly before getting up.

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