Chapter 7

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The first few months of married life were uneventful for the new couple. But that's the way they had liked it. Rowan returned to his normal guard duties and Shilo busied herself with walks around the gardens and reading every book in Caspian's library.

One day, Rowan was headed to the dining hall to join Shilo for lunch. He wasn't sure if he should bring it up but he had noticed that Shilo was acting a bit strange.

He snuck up behind her chair and wrapped his arms around his wife's shoulders. He then snuggled his face into her hair as he covered her in kisses. Earning himself some pleasurable giggles.

"Rowan!" Shilo giggled joyously as she wrapped her small hands around his large arms. She rested her head against the side of his as he said hello.

"I see that you are already eating." He stated as he looked over her plate. He grimaced when he saw the amount of junk food on it. Normally Shilo tried to eat on the healthier side but lately here..she was eating almost as badly as the King did.

"Shy? Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?" She blinked her confusion at him. His heart melted some as he watched her. She was just too damned cute.

Rowan moved to Shilo's side to get a better look at her. He took her hands into his and rubbed the backs of them with his thumbs. "You've been acting a bit different lately..." He said in a gentle tone.

"What do you mean love?" The confusion still showing on her face.

"Well... you have been eating erm..more of a wide variety of foods lately and I haven't seen you walk through the lilies in weeks. I thought you loved them?"

"Oh but I do. Lilies are my favorite but..." she looked to her clasped hands inside of his. Just anything to avert her eyes for a moment. "Lately they make me so sick I can't be near them. My nose gets an itch way inside and it makes my eyes water." She explained, pointing at her nose and then eyes as she did. Her gestures reminding Rowan of a small child telling a story. It took all he had not to chuckle at her antics.

"Sounds like allergies, my love." He grinned at her as she huffed. "But that doesn't explain the interesting choice of lunch you have."

Shilo looked away from her husband over to the plate sitting before her. A pile of junk food, none of which looked good sitting by itself let alone eaten together. It was half-eaten. Shilo held a hand to her mouth as she fought back the bile building up in her stomach. She couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that she was just eating that.

"Ugh..." She groaned as she gently pushed the plate further away from her.

Rowan took her hand and made her look away to help her feel better. He smiled gently down at her as the doors to the room burst open and King Caspian came sweeping in dramatically.

He hurried over to the couple, pausing only long enough to grab ahold of Rowan's jacket. "Rowan! I've been looking everywhere for you! I really need you at this summit." He saw the concerned look on Rowan's face as he didn't budge from his spot.

"What's wrong my friends?" He asked hoping it wasn't serious.

"Shilo well..." Rowan began.

A tight squeeze caught Rowan's attention as he turned to look at Shilo. She smiled up at him then looked to the King. "I'm not feeling very well and Rowan was worried is all."

The couple shared a look, as Caspian came to a logical conclusion. "Have you been to the healer yet?" When she shook her head he continued. "Well come with us. We can drop you off before our meeting and Rowan will be able to catch up with you afterward."

Rowan didn't like the idea of just dropping Shilo off then running away but she assured him that she would be fine. He held tightly to her hands as he fidgeted in place.

"Go. I'll be right here when you get back." Her smile was soft as she stood on tiptoe to reach his lips.

He bent down and gave her a quick peck before reluctantly letting go of her. "I'll be back before you know it." He promised before he hurried down the hall with his King.

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