Chapter 1

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The palace grounds were a buzz with things that needed to be done. Everyone seemed to walk with purpose as rumors spread like wildfire.

"I heard that a cease-fire was called." One worker whispered to another.

"Well, I heard that the opposing King is to visit us soon." Another one shared.

And so the rumors ran on and on. Not lies but not full truths either. It had been many years since the palace was this lively. It was a welcome notion after the war had ended.

Rowan was a ball of nerves whenever things like this came up. He hated the finer aspects of politics. He didn't see the need for all the flamboyant delicacies. He glared at the lavish draperies on the walls. All an excess of waste to him. Despite the fact that he knew the draperies and other party preparations were upcycled.

'Why do I need a new goddamn suit for every event. I hardly wear them enough to need more than one.'

He grumbled to himself as he made his way from the palace tailor to the courtyard where his King and a small entourage of people waited. 

The landing strip for the spaceship had been neatly polished. The craved stones glistened as if someone had spilled glitter across them. Large colorful banners had been hung with care all around the site. Bringing a bright and jovial feeling to the otherwise empty space.

Everyone waited with bated breath to see what would emerge from the sky today. 

Rowan had accidentally startled a young person on his walk to join the King. But he was used to such things happening. Not many of his species still lived this close to the capital.

Once a fierce race of ancient sabercats was now a fierce race of sabercat humaniods. They kept the strong feline features of their ancestors. Thick fur coats to combat the usually cold climate. Large cone-like ears to hear even the faintest of sounds. Their paws changed into something more human or elf-like despite still having retractable claws.

 Legend has it that the Elven people of the past saw a thirst for knowledge in these old beasts and granted them the tools to become the proud species they are today. Many of the old elves still liked having the saber species around for protection. Hence why Rowan ended up as the bodyguard of the King.

His family had jumped on the opportunity to have him work in the palace as it was an honor they could not have given him. The royal family had just had a son and requested that a sabercat be his lifelong companion and friend. Rowan being Caspian's elder by a few years was raised next to his King and given the same education and upbringing but with a closer focus on combat and survival skills.

Rowan's jaw dropped at the sight of Caspian. His silver tattoos had been touched up. They swirled majestically underneath his veil-like coat. His bright white hair shone in the afternoon sunlight, giving him a halo effect. Rowan felt his heart race in his chest. It often did this when Caspian was all dolled up. He took a deep breath in before taking up his place next to him.

It was sometimes hard to believe how well the King got along with his bodyguard. Rowan being his elder by a couple of years, would declare final decisions for the young King despite his opposition. Often, leading the two into butting heads to the point of fighting when they were children. But now giving them both courage to challenge the other and make the best decisions for the kingdom.

Caspian smiled at Rowan. "Everything will be fine, my friend."  He could read the worry in Rowan like the headline of a newspaper. To everyone else, Rowan was a stiff, often ruthless individual but to Caspain he saw the pain and fear behind the tight muscles. "Loosen up..." He whispered as he moved his arms freely inside of his bell-shaped sleeves.

Rowan rolled his eyes and gave a huff. "You should be more worried. This man has led a war against our Kingdom for years now. Why do you think he won't come armed to the teeth?"

"Because I have faith that people are inherently good." Caspian motioned for Rowan to step closer. "If you'd like I can take you behind the bushes and help relieve some stress." He said with a sly wink.

Rowan's cheeks flushed pink as he stepped away from Caspian. "No." Is all that he uttered.

Caspian's smile grew more genuine as he turned his attention to the break in the clouds. It was showtime. "Announce the rules one last time before our guest lands."

"Listen up!" Rowan bellowed. "You are to treat the visiting King with respect and do your best to keep the peace. We are here to make a peace treaty not start another war." Rowan did his best to relax and believe in his King. But most of all, he wanted to believe that all of this would work out.

The ship broke through the fluffy clouds dissipating them into thin wisps before landing in front of them with little effort. It was smaller than expected which set Rowan on guard. Luckily the welcoming party didn't have to wait long as the gate slid open and allowed a small staircase to unfold.

To their surprise, a young woman stood in the open doorway before them not a man.

Caspian kept his calm as he stepped up then offered out his hand to the woman. He took note of her soft skin as he helped her to the ground. "Hello your majesty, I am King Caspian welcome to my planet." He bowed his head and kissed her hand softly as she stood before him.

She was maybe five foot and a half at best, these men dwarfed her easily but she didn't let that faze her in the least. She bowed her head and smiled gently at the men. "Thank you for having me your majesty, My name is Princess Shilo of Raigon. It's a pleasure to meet you, your Grace."

Caspian bit his lip as a mix of emotions swelled up inside of him. This young woman was beautiful, from her bright purple eyes and pale skin to the dark ebony hair that she wore in a tightly held bun. "I apologize Princess Shilo but wasn't I to meet with King Nabil?" He still held onto her hand.

Shilo nodded slowly as she retrieved her hand from the King. "Yes, and I am the one who should apologize, your majesty. My father King Nabil is unable to make the trip so he sent me in his stead." Rowan noticed how she sighed at the end of her sentence as if she was hiding something.

"My lord...." Rowan warned Caspian with a short breath.

"It is fine.." Caspian said loudly to both parties. "...I'm sure he is a busy man. Anyways, I welcome you to my kingdom Princess Shilo. Please come with me, I will show you to your room and once you are settled in we will have dinner and discuss how you wish to start negotiations." Caspian gave Shilo a soft smile as he offered out his arm to her.

Shilo bowed her head as she accepted the King's arm. Her touch was light as she wrapped her arms around his.

The entourage of people stood at attention as the party of Royals moved through the crowd and towards the inner gardens.

"Princess Shilo, This is my trusted bodyguard Rowan Macardell, he will be accompanying us these next few weeks." Caspian motioned towards the lumbering man behind them.

Shilo turned that soft smile up to the large man and then bowed her head to him. "I look forward to working with you as well sir Rowan."

Her formal speech caught Rowan off guard as he placed a hand on his chest and bowed his head to her. Returning the polite gesture. "Thank you, Princess." He would need to watch her more closely.

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