Chapter 3

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The end of the week came all too soon. The morning leading into the party was a busy one. The castle buzzed with people preparing for the night's affairs. Rowan wasn't allowed a moment to check in on his King nor the Princess as he too was busy with his plans for his guardsmen and how they would be running things tonight. But soon he too was whisked away to get his outfit double-checked by the castle tailor. She would never allow the castle staff to be underdressed for any event. It didn't matter if it was the King himself or the smallest of parakeets he kept as friends.

Rowan found himself dressed in a formal uniform made of black silk. He took note of the shimmering golden filigree that ran the length of his coat. Again he didn't see why his normal garb wouldn't work.

"Looking sharp my man!" King Caspian yelled as he approached his bodyguard, arms outstretched to receive his friend.

"You look great yourself." Rowan smiled back. Caspian's happiness was always worth a bit of discomfort.

King Caspian stepped back and did a flourish. He wore a long plush white cape that was held together around his neck by a small golden chain. Under the cape, he wore a bright blue high-collared coat. A similar golden filigree decorated the garment just like Rowan's jacket. But whereas his were only swirls, Caspian's were in the shape of fluttering butterflies.

Caspian did a spin for his bodyguard. "Think Shilo will approve?" He asked.

Rowan did not know if she would but something inside of him felt uneasy. Was it because he hated the fact that Caspian was looking for her approval? Or was it cause he wanted the Princess' attention for himself?

Later that night, the party started up. Soon guests of every shape and walk of life entered the castle. King Caspian welcomed each of his guests as they arrived, with a friendly bow and smile with the occasional hug here and there. Rowan watched diligently as the guests came and went. That was until his focus broke. Princess Shilo entered the room. She was so graceful that it looked as if she was floating into the room.

She wore a light blue gown that hung low on her shoulders. It was sleeveless with a scooped neckline. That dipped further down in the back. Beautiful, small purple filigree butterflies danced their way across the entire dress. Her long black hair was tied up in a braid and draped over her shoulder.

Caspian and Rowan fought hard to keep their cool as she approached them. Both men stood gawking at the beauty before them. Caspian was able to recover faster than Rowan. He took her hand gently into his and kissed the back of it. "You look gorgeous, Princess. Thank you for coming."

"I couldn't very well miss the party, it is partly for me." She smiled sheepishly as she bowed her head to the King. "Thank you for having me, Caspian." She turned to Rowan before leaving and bowed to him as well. "Will either of you be dancing tonight?" She inquired quickly.

Caspian chuckled. "I will see you on the dance floor Princess Shilo, but for now go and enjoy yourself." Caspian gave a mischievous grin to Rowan.

Rowan rolled his eyes and snorted. The very thought of him dancing with a Princess, yeah right. After the greetings were over with Rowan took up his post on the wall and watched over the party, he mainly kept his eye on Caspian but, occasionally he would glance around to check in with other guards.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Rowan said roughly as Princess Shilo slid up next to him.

She fiddled with her dress as she stood next to him, the purple butterflies moving like crazy. Her eyes focused on her hands and not him. "I just...I don't know anyone and I'm not very good at meeting people. Would it be alright if I stood here with you?" She glanced up at him.

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