Chapter 24

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Once again it was time for the daily reading of King Nabil's wants and wishes, or as he liked to call them 'The New Laws of This Land.' Some poor soul was sent out to a massive crowd of people and put on a stage to announce the laws and how to obey them. The laws rarely changed and the people were growing very tired of hearing them.

"Subjects of the Land! Come here and come all or else feel the wrath of our all-mighty King Nabil."

A loud boo came from the restless crowd. "Shut up!" Someone yelled.

"Hey! None of that or King Nabil will have your head on his wall!"

More jeers came to meet the ears of the fool on the stage. "Look! I don't wanna be here as much as you! Just let me say this shit and we can all be on with our lives!" The distressed man pleaded with the crowd. He sighed and shook his head before trying to read again.

Deep in the crowd hidden under heavy cloaks Rowan, Bellamy, and King Caspian lay in wait for their plan to spring into action. 

Rowan took deep breaths as he played with his tail. Nothing was working to calm his nerves. Shilo was out there somewhere ready to do her part. He hated that he couldn't see her in this crowd that could turn mob at any moment.

"Will you calm down..." Caspian hissed under his breath.

"I can't....I don't like the idea of Shilo being this involved." Rowan was shaking. "She's going to get hurt..."

Caspian smacked Rowan's hands, making him drop his tail.

"Why did you do that?!" Rowan nearly growled.

"It looks like you're jerking off. Besides your acting suspicious, calm the fuck down." He commented.

A mother nearby grabbed her child by the shoulders and tucked him tighter into her side away from the strange men next to them.

Bellamy took notice and smiled awkwardly at her. "Sorry" He whispered.

The crowd began booing and yelling again. The new laws were bullshit and they all knew it. This whole charade was bullshit. Soon the foolish man was being attacked by rotten foods. He did a stupid dance as he jumped about the stage avoiding the onslaught. "Please stop! I'm just the messenger!" The foolish man pleaded with the crowd. A mushy tomato splattered across the man's chest. He looked down in disgust and anguish. His hands shook his shirt violently to get the disgraced fruit off of him.

Soon a hush came over the crowd as King Nabil stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the stage. "What is going on here?! You are here to listen to the new laws of this land! Not waste precious food in this manner!" He yelled most viciously.

"Here's your precious food!" An unknown man in the crowd yelled as he nearly hit the King with a particularly gross-looking tomato.

The portly King growled and pointed randomly into the crowd. "Guards arrest that man!"

The guards didn't budge, they didn't care enough to attack a seemingly innocent man.

A bold young woman dressed in a dark blue gown stepped up onto the stage and stood defiantly against the King. Her long black hair fluttered softly in the wind.

"Here we go..." Muttered Bellamy under his breath. He watched on all his hopes and wishes gone to protecting her.

Rowan choked back his need to run up and save his princess from what she was about to do.

"And WHAT do you want?!" Hissed King Nabil as he gazed upon the woman, recognizing her immediately. "My long removed traitorous daughter..."

Shilo ignored her father as she stood there, her legs shaking under her. "King Nabil Ichod of planet Raigon! I, Princess Shilo Macardell, challenge you to a one-on-one duel for the throne!" She kept her posture tall and defiant as her legs threatened to shake right off.

"So you've taken a new name have you?" King Nabil put a hand to his head like he would faint. "Oh course you'd forsake your TRUE family's name."

"Father listen to my words. You can not take this kingdom in such a dishonorable way!"

The crowd behind Shilo gave a boisterous yell to help emphasize her.

"And why should I listen to you? We could have champions fight for us, I'd rather not soil the royal hands." The round King bellowed from his perch. He waved his hands around in a manner to come off as delicate.

"No champions! Just you and I in the arena. If you win, you will have slain me and be done with me forever. But if I win.. then I will have rid this kingdom and myself of the worst pest that has ever plagued this planet!" She turned to address the people. "And when I win, I will return King Caspian's throne to him!" She pumped her fist in the air.

The crowd roared with cheers for the young woman. Pumping their collective fists in the air in comradery with her.

Bellamy grew an idea to show Nabil how serious she was. "Shilo! Shilo!" He started yelling, soon the whole crowd was chanting her name.

Nabil's face grew redder by the moment as these yokels rallied behind his good-for-nothing daughter. He figured it was best to nip this in the bud. "Silence!" He yelled.

"We will not live under Nabil's rule any longer!" Shilo shouted. The crowd returned with a hopeful yeah! "King Caspian is the rightful ruler of this Kingdom!"

"SILENCE!!!" King Nabil screeched at the top of his lungs, straining his throat to be louder than the chanting.

The crowd settled down. Shilo turned to look up at her father. "What do you say?  Will you entertain my request?"

Rowan bit hard onto the inside of his lip as he listened to Nabil's response. He felt like the world was moving slowly. He could feel his wife's life slipping away.

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