Chapter 10

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The next two days were agonizing hell for Shilo as she feared her father's arrival. She barely slept at all, even with Rowan by her side. At meals she played with her food more than anything else. Rowan began to worry about all the stress Shilo was putting on herself.

Finally, the dreaded day came. Shilo was nowhere to be seen as her father's ship landed. Only King Caspian and his loyal bodyguard Rowan were there to welcome the visiting King. The ship landed with no problems, but it took what felt to be an eternity before it opened to let its passengers off.

What could only be described as a small horde of men clamored off the ship. They swiftly formed two lines down the pathway, leaving space between them. Rowan took note of how they nearly trampled the nearby shrubbery. Did these visitors have no care for other's property?

King Nabil was a short stout man, one closer resembling a round sort of insect than a man. He bore a cheerful expression as he casually sauntered up to King Caspian. He wrapped the other man into a hug.

Both Caspian and Rowan were caught off guard by how fast the nubbly King moved. Caspian lightly patted the other King's back in an attempt to be polite. This was "his" father in law after all. But it bothered Caspian that Nabil's face only reached just above his hips.

"My boy! It is great to see you! I hope my daughter hasn't caused you too much ear pain with all her nagging!" He let out a hearty laugh as he let go of Caspian.

"She's doing quite well actually. And I wouldn't say she nags at all, sire." Caspian tired to keep his tone light and friendly.

King Nabil brushed him off as he waddled over past Rowan. "And I see you've brought a beast with you! How interesting. Does he know any tricks?! It's cute how you have him dressed as a civil person" Nabil patted his thighs. "Roll over or dance beast!" Nabil laughed.

Rowan pressed his lips closed in a hard line to keep from saying something that he shouldn't. Would it be wrong of him to punch this man? He glared down at the portly King. 'How could someone like Shilo be related to this creature?' He thought. Perhaps she was adopted? That thought seemed to soothe Rowan's mind.

"King Nabil, I'd like you to meet my bodyguard, and most trusted friend. He follows me wherever I go, nothing gets past him." Caspian tired in vain to defuse the situation. He knew how much it bothered Rowan to be ridiculed in this manner. "He is a person I admire alot. And I hope you were merely joking with him about those things."

Nabil waved away Caspian's words like he would flys. "Abomination if you ask me. All their kind is good for is sitting around like a common house cat." Nabil said as he waddled his way down the stone path. "What does he guard you from oversized rodents?" He walked ahead of his welcoming crew and into the rest of the gardens. The way he carried himself gave off an air that he owned the gardens.

Caspian saw the rage flowing off of Rowan. He tired to smile to his friend to let him know it would be okay. Rowan glanced at his friend and just sighed. He followed the two Kings around the gardens, keeping a few feet between them so that he wouldn't have to smell whatever was wafting off of Nabil.

"Would you like to see your room King Nabil? I should hope it'll fit your needs well." Caspian offered.

Nabil waved his hand dismissively. "It will be whatever..." He mumbled as he bobbed about.

Caspian and Rowan shared a sigh as they realized that this visit was going to be a rough one. Their fears were confirmed at the dining table during the feast to welcome King Nabil to Caspian's planet.

"Is this really the best you have? Well on my planet this food would be served to the dogs!" Nabil laughed heartily as he stuffed his pudgy face with the food he had just ridiculed.

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