Chapter 19

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(Violent content warning)

Rowan yawned as he stared out boredly to the dank walls of his prision cell. It had started to become hard to tell days from nights in here.

Two guards entered the cell and sauntered up to Rowan, a devilish gleam in their eyes.

"So this is the maingy beast who deflowered our Princess...." The first guard said with disdain.

"We don't take kindly to monster's who rape our girls..." The second one said, cracking his knuckles.

Rowan looked up to the men a pittful look in his large eyes. His ears had drouped back against his head, making him look that much more broken. All hope had been lost from those eyes a long time ago.

The second man chuckled as he stepped closer to Rowan. "Aww..look at the sad widdle monster!" He gave a hard laugh that nearly knocked him off his feet.

"It's almost cute." The first guard agreed. "But a mutt is a mutt and needs to be treated as such. So come on we need to get going." He turned his back to walk away.

The second guard reached out his hand to pet Rowan. "See ya later mutt..." He said with a snarl.

A painful scream echoed throughout the chamber as the first guard turned in horror at the sight before him. The second guard lay on the ground torn to shreds.

Blood dripped down Rowan's face, clung to his claws. The man lay dead at his feet. He let out a low growl as the other guard quivered in fear, his feet trying to find the way out.

"You wanted a monster...." Rowan growled out. "Now you've got one!" He roared.

The man fell hard on his back as he let out a terrifed shirek. He lay pinned to the floor underneath this hulking monster. The blood of his fellow guard dripping out of the maw of this creature and onto his face.

"Don't kill me please!! I-I wasss..." The man stammers in fear.

"Tell me where King Caspian is..." Rowan demanded.

The man sniveled as snot and tears poured down his face. "T...Two....Two rooms over...Don't kill me!" He cried for his life.

Rowan leaned in close and growled at the man, causing him to piss his pants. Rowan snickers as he leans back onto his legs. His hands come up to either side of the crying man and take ahold of his head. Rowan quickly snaps the man's neck before snagging the keys from his belt.

After laying the metal collar down so it wouldn't make a noise, Rowan gently rubbed his raw, aching neck. He was going to be sore for a while. He quickly let himself out of his cell and headed for Caspian's.

He entered and saw his King looking weak and defeated as he lay curlled into a ball against the far wall of the cell.

Caspian slowly opened his eyes. Thinking that it was too early for the guards to have brought him food. "Rowan?" He gasped silently. His eyes ran over his friend in horror. "What did they do to you?" He nearly cried out.

"Don't worry about it." Rowan didn't have time to talk. He made quick work of the restraints holding Caspian down. "This isn't my blood..."

That didn't help Caspian feel much better, but it was a start. Caspian shakily got to his feet as Rowan ducked back to poke his head out the door. "We need to go now.." He explained quietly.

The pair made their way down the hallway to one of the many sectret passageways they knew of. Rowan stepped up and moved the large suit of armour that guarded the passageway. Once Caspian was in Rowan slipped in himself and both men worked to close the door tightly behind them. Not a word was uttered by either man until they were far away from the palace.

From their view deep in the woods they could see the palace light up as if it were on fire as word of their escape spread quickly. The men contiuned on thoughtout the night, keeping to the depths of the forrest. They ran straight on until dawn broke overhead.

A shady grove promised them shelter as they stopped to take a break. A small pond lay nearby, Rowan ran immeditaly to it and began washing the blood off. Caspian found a comfortable spot under one of the shadier trees, he had to fight himself to not fall asleep.

Once clean Rowan returned to Caspian's side, taking a seat. "Are you alright me friend?" He asked as he looked over his King.

Caspian nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. They only tried to beat me a couple of times..." He rubbed his arm where a large black and purple bruse resided. Caspian took notice of the heavy breathing coming from his compainion. "Rowan...your ear.." Caspian started to reach out towards the notch in his ear.

Rowan looked away from Caspian, guilt ate at his insides as he wasn't there to protect his King...nor his wife. "I'm a failure Caspian..." He sighed.

"No you're not." Caspian demanded as he took his friend's hand into his own, squeesing it as tight as he could. "I'm safe, you did your job exactly..."

Rowan shook his head. "But I let you get captured...and SHilo... I have no idea where she is...or even if she's safe..and the baby...what if something has happened to her? She could be..." He trailed off not wanting to think about her being in danger.

"I'm sure she's fine. She's a tough girl not to mention very smart. If I know anything about Shilo it's that she is sweet and kind. Someone would have to be an idiot not to help her out. All we have to do is catch up to her." Caspian gave Rowan a reasuring smile.

Rowan managed a small smile back. "Thanks..." He murmured. "I know she's out's just. I'm worried about her. What if she's been kidnapped or raped...or or..." A tear ran down his cheek as worrys of his sweet little Shilo being abused and tortured run though his head.

"Don't worry about that. Like I said she's fine. Besides we need to take now to rest." Caspian said as he laid back against the trunk of the tree, making himself comfortable for a long nap.

"Like hell we do!" Rowan snapped as he got to his feet. "I'm done resting. We need to go or else they'll catch up to us." Rowan began walking away.

"But..but what about sleep?! We need sleep!" Caspian whined from his spot on the ground.

"And I NEED my wife! I'm leaving with or without you. It's YOUR choice." The woods began to envelop Rowan. Caspian not wanting to be left alone scrambled to his feet and ran after Rowan.

*Author's note*

Hi sorry its been so long but I hope this new chapter and this new story that's coming out is worth the wait! Thank you as always for reading and enjoy!

*End of Author's note*

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