Chapter 22

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a/n OMG GUYSSSS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.02k reads!!!! You guys are amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Love you!!! Xoxo grace
*lukes pov"
poor grace I know she only wanted to have some fun.
Ashton went overboard with this, I mean it isn't like there was blood.
I found it kinda funny I just couldn't stop laughing at me and the boys.
Right now she's asleep and wondering if ashton hates her.
I feel bad because she doesn't like to be yelled at and what does ashton go do YELLS at her which probably makes her scared so she thinks that he hated her.
I climb out of bed and leave grace all cuddled up.
I walk out to see ashton with tear stained cheeks and red eyes.
He looks up in my direction,
"Is sh-she o-ok?" He chokes out.
"She thinks that you hate her" I say bluntly.
"Shit" he whispers and springs up and runs towards her door before I stop him.
"She's asleep let her rest" I say he nods and sighs.
I look outside and noticed it started to rain.
The boys look clean now, because that stuff wasn't permeate.
We either watch Michael and Calum play video games or go on our food.
*2 hours later*
*graces pov*
I woke up to thunder which scared me so I jumped and fell off the bed.
Storms sorta scare me I don't know why maybe because I've had bad experiences with it.
*flash back*
Daddy can you slow down because it's raining? I ask
Yes please do honey My mom says.
Honey I real- ahhhhhh my ad yells
Then everything goes black.
* flash back to this year"
I was walking in the rain from the boys it was after that awards thing.
* flash backs over*
I quickly dive under the bed.
I'm practically shaking,
I here another thins of thunder then followed by lighting.
I shriek and cover my head.
"Grace?" I heard someone's voice say,
"GRACE?" They say louder.
I poke my head out to see Calum looking frantically around.
"I'm right here" I say then he turns around and I go under the bed again.
I see him crouch down and look underneath,
"Um gray what you doing?" He asks with curiosity,
"I don't like storms" I say and cover my face in embarrassment.
"Aww come here" Calum says opening his arms,
I crawl into them as he carries me back to the living room.
We sit down on the couch and I snuggle up closer every time I see/ hear thunder and lightening.
I peak and see ashton looking at me, I sigh I need to apologize.
I get up and hug him and he hugs back "I'm sorry" I whisper
"Me too" he says

Adopted by who?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ