Chapter 32

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*graces pov*
I woke up to someone's arms around me. I looked over to ashton all cuddled up.
I slip out of his arms and walked to the thing that Luke and Calum were at.
"Hey" I say as Luke puts cereal in front of me.
Calum walks over to us with his phone is his hand.
"Want to go to Disney?" He asked like it was no big deal!
"Yes!!!! Duh!!!!" I say jumping out of my seat causing me to trip which almost makes the cereal spill on me but it doesn't thank the lord.
"Woah there" luke says while chuckling.
"I gotta get ready!" I say and almost run out of the room.
"Hey eat first" Luke points at my seat I groan and eat really quickly and take off.
I grabbed my bag into the bathroom.
I showered and thought about how the day should go but it won't happen.
I got out and changed into
Jean high wasted shorts that had Mickey Mouse on them.
A Mickey Mouse t-shirt
Red converse
I pulled my hair into a pony tail and put a black bow in it.
I smiled and put on regular makeup and slipping on my glasses.
I ran out the door to see ashton still asleep.
"No no ashton get up!!!" I scream at him.
"Five more minutes" he grumbled
"No get up were going to Disney!!" I shout
He jumps right up
"Disney?" He asks
"Disney." I rookie and he jumps out of bed and I walk over to the couch.
"We will have to wait for the one direction guys to get here so we can go." Calum says
"Really" I groan
"Really" he replied and walks off to get ready.
I sighed and turned on the tv
They can't that long can they?
*3 hours later*
I was wrong!
Wayyyyy wrong!!!!
It takes these people forever to get here!!!
Did they get lost?!
I'll go without them if I have too...
Suddenly there was a knock I jump up and run over to the door.
I open the door to see 5 smiling faces
Then I remember I have only really met Niall because of pizza.
"Finally!" I say and throw my hands up and they look at me like I'm crazy.
"Hello I'm grace and let me just say you people took a very long time." I say and I'm getting ready to start scolding when Calum comes in.
"Grace let them in or we will never go" he said
"Get In here I really any to go!" I yell
And they follow me in the place and I start to run around.
"Can we leave?" I whine and roll on the floor.
"No and get up and off the floor." ashton comes in
I groan and get up and sit on the couch.
"Guys this is grace say hello grace." Michael says
"Hello" I say not looking up from my phone.
Then someone snatches my phone!
"Hey!" I whine and pout
Michael gives me the - get- your- act-together- stare.
I roll my eyes and look up at one direction.
Play it cool grace play it cool.
"Sup I'm grace" standing up and tripping on my own feet only to fall.
They stare at me and shock and introduce themselves.
"I'm HARRY!"
"I'm liam"
I smile at them and they do the same.
"Are you guys ready to go?" Luke asks and I'm already out the door.
I look up at the big castle and smile and take a picture.
I walk over towards the characters so I can my picture.
The first one I see is stitch, I walk over and ask for a picture.
We take a back to back picture it was pretty funny.
We were having so much fun while riding roller coasters and taking pictures.
Then I come up to Buzz light-year!
He has always been my favorite from when I was little.
I walk up and say "hello I'm grace may j have a picture?"
He nods and we take a picture.
I set it as my wallpaper and we walk away.
It was getting dark and we were waiting for the fireworks.
I put my head on HARRYs shoulder and closed my eyes.
Today was amazing...

*20 years later*
I was putting my little girls hair up into a pony tail with a bow.
As my husband SHAWN was putting on out little boys shoes.
"Thank you mommy" my daughter cadence said
"Your welcome" I said and smiled down.
"Mommy?" My son sawyer asked
"Hmm?" I look down at him
He is 6 years old and he has his dad's looks.
He is kind and helpful and full of life he is a social butterfly!
And he had his dad's voice to sing.
"Can we go to the park after school?" He asks again.
"Sure why not" I say happily
"Yay!" He said and ran away
I looked over at Cadence she is 4
And is small and quiet
She mostly keeps to her self and is shy.
She has my long hair and my ability to dance.
She can also sing so she is a ballerina And a singer.
We think it's just a phase of her shyness but we're not sure.
I start to think back to when I was 14 and I was living with the boys.
I haven't talked to them for a while now I mean I wouldn't be here if they hadn't walked through those doors and watched me trip down the stairs.
I smile at that memory and the time Calum caught me playing piano.
Or when me and SHAWN went on our first date.
When j got in a fight.
When I got drunk.
When I met Avery speaking of her she lives right next door and our kids are best friends.
Lane moved on to be a writer and a good one too.
I remember when I snuck out.
When I got sick and MICHAEL was there.
The time I meet Niall
When I got hit by that car...
I remember it all it was a roller coaster alright.
I remember me thinking when I was first adopted I thought to myself
'I was adopted by who?!'
I need to call them up and see they are.
I pick up my phone and hit ashtons contact and let it ring a couple times.
"Hello?" He asks

A/n- alright guys so that's the story I hoped you liked it!! It was my first book and I thought it would be awful but it was okay.
If you have any ideas for my next book please tell me and I'll start right away!
I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment if you did!
Alright peace out!!✌️
Xoxo- grace

Adopted by who?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin