Chapter 28

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*graces pov*
I woke up the next morning feeling all happy like.
I remembered the events last night which made me smile.
I turned to my phone too see what's on there.
I got a text from SHAWN.
(From: Shawne boy😍👐 to: Gracie girl💁💕)
S: good morning princess's how'd you sleep?
I don't know why but my heart fluttered.
G: good morning and I slept fine what about you?"
S: fine guess what my dream was about. 😏
g: what was it about?
S: you😍
G: your so cheesy!😂😂
S: like cheese pizza!
G: well I'm going to get ready bye bye 😍😂
S: ok 😭bye bye beautiful 😍
Me and SHAWN aren't a couple, yet...
I mean we flirt with each other all the time soo.
I walked down stairs to see Luke sitting there on his phone.
"Good morning" I chirped
"Hey" he looked up from his phone then back down.
"So what are we doing today." I ask while walking over to him.
"We have practice so you get to stay home." he said not looking up.
I'm tired of staying home I don't really see the boys until like dinner or even after.
"Ok" I sighed
"Is there something wrong?" He asked while looking up raising an eyebrow.
"No, I'm fine" I fake smiled and walked away.
I sat on my balcony, sometimes I wonder why did they chose me I mean they could be happier with some fake bitch that can handle this.
Because I cant.
I walked back over to my bed and flopped down.
I soon fell asleep.
*lukes pov*
That was strange grace came in and walked out.
Soon the boys came down
"Where's grace?" Ashton asked
I shrugged while he went upstairs.
I heard the door open and close and footsteps coming back down.
"She's asleep" ashton sighed
"What's wrong with that?" I ask
"We don't have to do anything today so I was going to see is we could go to the beach." ashton said
"What I thought we- MICHAEL!" I yell
Michael started to laugh really hard.
"What?" Calum asked
"I told grace that we had stuff to do today because that's Michael told me." I say running a hand through my hair.
"That's why she is sleeping she sleeps when she's sad." Ashton said
"Ughh" I say slamming my head on the table
"Let's just let her sleep I'm sure she'll wake up soon." I spoke
Wow this girl can sleep! It's been like 4 hours!
I walk upstairs to check on her to SEE her sitting up on her computer.
"Gray?" I say softly
Her head snaps in my direction.
"What?" She said
"Want to go to the beach?" I question
Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree,
"Yes!" She cheered
I chuckled "alright get ready" I say while walking off.
I walked back down stairs to see the boys again on their phones
"What was that all about?" Michael asks
"Get ready were going to the beach!"
*graces pov*
YESSS we're going to the beach!!
I thought they had stuff to do today?
Oh whale!!! BEACH BEACH BEACH!!!
I'll be brown by the time I leave L.A...
I quickly get ready I through on
Black bikini bottoms
A floral bikini top
Jean shorts
And an blue anchor short
And flip flops
I brush my hair and put it into a pony tail.
I don't worry about makeup I just put on my sunglasses and run down stairs.
I only see Calum down there
"Ughhhhh" I groan
"What?" Calum asks
"THEYRE TAKING TO LONG!!!" I yell so the other boys can hear.
I plop next to Calum and we start doing funny faces...
Honestly I have no clue what we're doing but it's Fun!

Finally the other boys come down hallelujah!!!
"LETS GO!" I whine/ yell
"Patients young child" MICHAEL says
I groan
"Ok now we can go" ashton says and I ran to the car and hop in the front.
"What are you doing?" Luke asks looking at the seat that used to be his
" I'm a queen so I get the good seats" I sassed
"Well fine then" he huffs and sits In the back.
"LUKE STOP BREATHING ON ME!!" Michael yelled at Luke
"I CAN NOT JUST NOT BREATH!" He yelled back
While Calum covered his ears
And ashton focused on the road.
They shut up.
We pull into the beach and I jump out of the car and run faster that ever.
"Grace come back!" Ashton yelled
I ignored and kept running
I stopped running and sat in the sand and take off my cover up.
Then the boys Catch up.
"Why hello!" I say
"Did you put on sun screen?" Ashton asked like he was some sort of mom.
I grab the bottle and spray it all over me.
"Can I go In The water now?!" I beg
"Umm" ashton starts but I take off
"THANKS!" I call out and jump in
I do the really cool hair flippy thing and I made like take a picture.
I swam like a mermaid!
Until they called me for dinner?
I didn't have breakfast or lunch oh whale.
I eat the hamburgers I ate 2 I'm hungry ok.
I laid down and looked up the sun was going down and so were my eyes.

A/n- omg hey guys!! I really want food so I'm going to go get some bye!!
Xoxo grace

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