Chapter 25

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*graces pov*
I woke up with a massive headache and I felt like I was going to vomit.
' why am I on the couch?' I thought then dashed to the bathroom and puked.
I slid down the wall as Calum can in with water and a pill "here take this" he mumbles and leaves.
I sigh and take the Medicine,
'Why did I vomit am I pregnant?'
'Do I have morning sickness?'
'Who's the dad?'
I'll just ask the guys, I walked into the kitchen to see the guys sitting there sleepily.
"Hey guys am I pregnant? Because I threw up this morning." I ask like it was no big deal.
"No you got drunk!" Ashton started to yell
"Shhhhh stop yelling!" I whisper yell and grab my head.
"NO YOU GOT DRUNK YOUR 13!!!" He yelled again
"Do you think I wanted to get drunk I thought it water!!!" I scream back
"Your grounded and give me your phone." he said sternly I give up I throw the phone at him thank the lord he caught it.
I stormed up stairs and flopped on my bed I screamed into the pillow, I'm really tired I need a nap.
I got all cuddled up then fell asleep.
*Michael's pov*
How did grace get drunk in the first place she wouldn't do it on purpose,would she?
I looked at the boys they all seemed stressed.
Ashton has his fingers through his hair
Calum I'd tapping his foot.
And Luke muttering words.
"Did anyone ask how she got drunk?"
I ask
"Why does it matter?" Luke muttered
"Maybe cause someone got her drunk." I say
they didn't answer.
"Fine" I huff "I'll go ask myself." I say and storm off to her room
I opened the door to see grace fast asleep, I smile slightly and look around her room.
There was a journal lying on the desser.
I step closer and closer to it, I opened it see the first entry was the day we came to LA.
'Dear whatever you want to be called.'
Today we're going to L.A., I'm pretty excited about it too.
I mean I love warmer weather where I can wear shorts.
I haven't really said anything to the boys, because Tiffany said if I get in the way of her and Luke my life would be hell.
Im getting more each day idk why but whatever.'
So that's that bye.
Xoxo grace.'
What's this about Tiffany? And hate?
Why hasn't she told us?
I took the book to read some more.
Maybe this is why.
A/n Heyyy guys it's me!! And I'm going to school so have a lovely day xoxo grace

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