Chapter 31

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*couple weeks later*
*graces pov*
Tomorrow was the day that Shawn was leaving for magcon and I was leaving too go to new places.
Right now me and SHAWN were lying under a willow tree.
Watching the stars, his arms were around me as we watch in silence.
"Will you forget me?" I ask in a whisper
"I couldn't forget you even if I tried." He said and looked over at me and smiled.
His eyes had that little sparkle in them that made me smile.
"How will this work?" I asked
"I don't know but some of my stops are your stops." He said
"Yea will you FaceTime me?" I wondered out loud
"Always." he breathed
I looked over at him so we were both looking each other in the eye.
"Can you sing to me one more time?" I ask with tears in my eyes.
"Of course princess." he whispered and kissed my forehead.
He started to sing our song 'Tenerife Sea' by Ed Sheeran.
I listened to his voice.
It's going to be hard not to see his face almost every day when he can't comfort me when I'm sad or we can't go on our ice cream dates and smear ice cream on each other's faces.
We can't dance around the street like complete idiots, we can't camp out on the beach like the first time we meet.
We can't kiss on my porch step, if I could go back in time to have those memories once again I would...
He finished and I was shredding tears.
He wiped my tears away and smiled.
U smiled back and he put his lips on mine.
You could feel that same electricity go through your whole body.
We got up and walked hand and hand back to my house.

It's 5:00 am and I'm making Luke take me to the airport to tell Shawn good bye.
We just gout out of security when his flight was being called.
I left without my shoes and Luke.
Well Luke ran after me with both of our shoes...
I ran as my lags could carry me finally o reached his fate as he was giving the lady his ticket.
"SHAWN!" I yelled
He turned around and I gave him the biggest hug ever,
Once he realized it was me he did the same.
I started to cry people took pictures of us and aww'd.
"I'll miss you" I say while smiling slightly
"I'll miss you too" he said and we kissed one last time then he left.
He walked away and looked back once or twice to see me crying and waving.
I watched his plane take off when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I looked up to see Luke I sighed as he gave me my shoes.
I was still crying but not hard when we got home I went straight up to my room and checked my phone to see a tweet from Shawn
"I love you and all your little things I'll miss you..."
I smiled at it and feel asleep.

We were leaving to go to Florida.
I was excited because there is a Disney there duh.
I was really tired from this morning I don't know how Luke can be all happy right now.
He showed the boys me and Shawn's hug.
We were waiting for our flight to be called and I needed to food.
"Flight 49 is now delayed for 1 hour"
The little speaker lady said
"Ughhhhh" I groaned and sank in my seat.
"Are you Hungry?" Michael asked me
I nodded to hungry to speak.
"Want Panda Express?" He asked
"Yasssss" I said jumping out of my seat.
He laughed and we took the boys orders and we went to get some food!!!
We brought the food back to the boys and ate it right before it was time to go.
We threw away our trash and headed on the plane.
This time I was put between Michael and Calum.
I brought my laptop and started to watch frozen cause I can. *snap snap*
We just landed and I'm the only one of us that was awake I'm pretty tired but I couldn't sleep so j just watched movies.
I shook Calum and Michael awake and poked ashton and Luke.
"What?" Michael groaned
"Were here." I say quietly
he nodded and we pack away our stuff.

I grabbed my luggage and got a call from someone
"Shawn😍" it read
I answered it
(S-Shawn g- grace)
S: hey how was your flight?
G: fine how was yours?
S: good did you just land?
G: yea so I'm going to go because we need to get to the hotel.
S: alright love ya
G: love YA too bye
S: bye
U hung up and got into the cab with ALL the boys?
I had to lay across their laps as ashton sat up front.
Let me tell you I almost fell asleep but my eyes shot open because of a stupid bump.
We arrived at the hotel and sleeply Made our way to the room.
Once we got to our room I already had on comfy clothes so I plopped on a random bed and crashed.

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