Chapter 24

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*graces pov*
It's the middle of the night and I haven't eaten😭.
I carefully sneak out towards the kitchen and see pizza boxes, I smile and grab a slice I sit and eat alone, in the dark. As creepy as it sounds it was nice.
"grace?" I turn to see Michael standing there "what" I snap with pizza in my mouth, he chuckles and sits next me
"Why haven't you been talking much?" He asked I shrugged.
"Did we do something?" He asked again I shook my head no, I heard him sigh in frustration
"Well me and the boys have practice Tomm so you can do whatever, and try not to get hit by a car." he chuckles at the last part I chuckled too.
"Well get some sleep princess" he said and kisses my forehead "night" and I walked away.
I wonder what I can do tomorrow I'm going to go to the beach yea I'll go there, then I let sleep take over.
*next morning*
I woke up to the smell of pancakes 'Yumm' I love pancakes! I fixed my hair into a messy bun, and walked downstairs.
"STOP I WANTED THAT!!!" I hear Michael whine
"SHUT UP ITS MINE NOW!" Calum says
Luke's half awake and ashton is making pancakes.
They remind me of a little family ashton is the dad
Michael and Calum are the two 5 year olds
And Luke's the baby.
I walked over to the table and grabbed the pancake that Michael and Calum were fighting over, they look at me in shock.
"What?" It comes out muffled cause of the pancakes they just laugh it off and eat breakfast.
"So Grace where are you going today?" Ashton asked
"The beach I need a tan anyways" I say shrugging
"Well there be boys?" Michael asked
What kind of question is that? Oh course there will be boys sometimes he's an idiot.
"Yea I'm pretty sure" I say in my 'duh' tone
"Stay away from boys they have cooties" Calum warns me
I laugh and walk away back to my cave.
I get showered and changed into my
Mint bikini with navy blue anchors
And grey shirt with an anchor
Jean shorts
Whit braided flip flops
I put my hair in a high pony tail and decided on no make up.
I walked down stairs with my penny board, "BYE GUYS IM LEAVING BE BACK LATER MAYBE" I yell and leave.
I skate down to the beach and plop down in the sand and start to tan.
Like 30 minutes later I was tapped on my shoulder ' what the heck '
"Um high were wondering if we could have your autograph?" A girl with red hair says
"You want my autograph?" I ask
"Yep" sad the one with short brown hair.
"Um alright here you go" I say and sign there stuff,
"Cool thanks I'm ELLA by the way" a girl with brown hair and green eyes says
"I'm CASSIE!" The girl with the red hair chirps
"I'm kylie and I'm fierce" the one with short brown hair says doing the fierce sign
"I'm grace" they seem like nice people.
"Would you like to hang out with us?" Kylie asked
"Sure why not" I say
"Where to?" ELLA asks
"ICE CREAM!!" Me and kylie yell and run off.

I can tell by just hanging out with them there personalities
ELLA- the mom kinda like the boss she's sassy and a dancer.
CASSIE- is like the teenager she's bubbly and likes to run and jump, sorta like a deer... And she's a runner and plays basketball and softball.
Kylie- she's like the 5 year old but she can kill a bitch if needed, she's funny and sassy, she does cheer and softball.

"Hey want to come to this bonfire thing tonight?" Kylie asks
"Sure what time does it start?" I ask
"RRRIGHT NOW!!" Cassie's says and takes off towards the beach we all follow.
Wow it's crowded I thought then some guy comes up to me lane?
"Lane what are you doing here?" I ask
"Partying!!!" He slurred Yep he's drunk.
"Here drink this!" He says I thought it was water but I was wrong it burned my throat but it felt good.
*an hour later*
"Wow party!" Right now I was drunk but I didn't care until Ella came up to me
"Are you drunk?" She asked
"Pffft what no!" I slurred
"Come on let's put you in this cab" she's says while sitting me down
"Alrighty byeeee" I wave back
*skip car ride*
I stumbled into the house "hellllloooio!!" I sing sang
"What the heck why can't you walk normally?" Ashton asked
"Hey! Look at this lamp GUYSS!" I say and stumble over to the lamp and knock it down
"Die lamp!!! Why won't you give me a potato?!" I scream at it
"I think she's drunk" I hear Calum say
"What no!" I say almost falling over but Luke catches me.
"We'll talk about this in the morning now got to sleep" Luke says as I pass out.

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