I remain an idiot so that people around me can be intelligent.

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I remain an idiot so that the people around me can be intelligent

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I remain an idiot so that the people around me can be intelligent.

I remain silent so that the others can speak freely with a sound mind and thought.

I remain absent so that the others trying hard to get noticed remain present.

I remain irrelevant so that my friends would think less of me . . . and when the time arrives that I separate myself away from them, the less they are hurt, the less that they care, and the more they are free from thinking of me.

I have remained unnoticed . . . but in doing so, I have been noticed. I have always thought to myself that passivity promotes less attention directed to oneself. This is true in fact since high school students who were passive learners attracted less attention to themselves . . . and these who were active gained all of the glory... from their peers, instructors, parents. But that doesn't seem to be the case in college. Quite the opposite -- a flaw in the education system. This is not even the major flaw. The major flaw in our education system is its implementation itself and why it is implemented in the first place. It has been said that education is the most powerful weapon to combat poverty . . . but it has proven quite the opposite: education is causing more poverty not only in finance but also in intellect. It has favored mostly the rich, the intelligent, and the powerful. And up to this day, we remain a country filled with uncivilized and incompetent citizens who have little to no love and adoration for our suffering Motherland. An evidence to this are the leaders and officials we elect and place on the position of running this country. A testament of time: history has proven that these people have failed to restore and maintain the power and glory that Philippines once has over its neighbors. Democracy has failed us . . . and education, as I see it, is futile. The plethora of knowledge that these educators have poured on these empty vessels; overflowing and forever wasted, unused, and the vessels have separated--lost on the vast empty sea. I seem to be unable to locate myself now. I am stranded on this remote island named Solitude and it has caused me more combating thoughts and a less peaceful mind. Maybe someday, someone will be able to tell me all that I need to know so I will understand. Maybe someday, someone will be able to tell me how much of a fool I am . . . how uneducated I am, how unaware I am of the world around me. Maybe someday, someone will prove to be worthy of navigating me through the darkness and into the light so that I may be able to attain enlightenment. Then, all that I have learned would prove to be useful. All of my efforts would not be so futile. I would be of worth to this world and serve useful to my Motherland.

Schopenhauer have remained unnoticed . . . and in doing so, he have been noticed. It was only in his fifties that his works have garnered an enthusiastic audience and generation of scholars who've come to love and adore pessimistic philosophy. Schopenhauer viewed the world so differently incomparable to other philosophers. But I do say everyone of them was pessimistic about how the people lived their lives and how they chose their leaders and how their practices would lead to ruination. It's just that... Schopenhauer was not optimistic as how the others have been towards developing hope for humanity. To Arthur, there is no hope and there never will be . . . because humans will and forever be only motivated by self interest and selfish desires. These in turn would cause humanity of great suffering . . . and suffer, we did. To Arthur, we can only be as happy as we are willing to rid and lessen suffering in our lives. To Arthur, we will never be truly happy. Every living and breathing person in this world would eventually face the inevitable and triumphant enemy which is Death. To Arthur, our living is a constant dying. Death is the ultimate goal of our lives. And everyone in this world has a story of suffering to tell.

I remain an idiot so that the people around me can be intelligent.Where stories live. Discover now