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In contemporary times, relationships are constructed upon falsehoods and deceit. Declarations made to others are frequently insincere, as individuals meticulously shape themselves to fit the expectations of those around them. Relationship foundations rest on promises, yet many fail to uphold their commitments to partners, friends, family, and colleagues. The youth, often too inexperienced and imprudent, struggle to maintain stable relationships, leading to inevitable breaches of promises. Consequently, broken marriages, fractured families, and severed friendships have become increasingly common.

The preceding generation faced a different era, one marred by hardship and melancholy. Seeking solace from life's hardships, individuals sought partners to alleviate their suffering. However, today's generation, shielded from adversities like wars and famine, resides in a state of general well-being. With no pressing need for companionship to escape hardship, modern relationships are often taken for granted. The focus shifts from building families to pursuing successful careers, crafting impeccable public images, and amassing wealth. Love and family take a back seat, reflecting a poignant reality of contemporary society.

I hail from a stable family background where my parents maintain a faithful and healthy relationship. This familial stability grants me insights into what constitutes a meaningful relationship, even though relationships are nuanced and not strictly black or white but exist in various shades of gray.

Love, often viewed as an idyllic pursuit, is portrayed as a struggle for dominance and power, driven by innate self-preservation instincts. Contrary to the popular notion of love as a source of happiness, it is hierarchical in nature asserting that it lacks intrinsic joy.

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