November 05, 2023

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When did you last cast your eyes skyward to lose yourself in the radiant splendor of the celestial tapestry? And when was the hour you beheld the majesty of mountains and fields, the ceaseless ebb and flow of the boundless ocean, and the silent grandeur of the ancient trees that have witnessed centuries come and go?

The wonders of existence, these pure embodiments of the sublime, call forth in us a profound connection with the world's true essence.

I stand upon this earth, gazing at the stars, contemplating the eternal dance of the planets in the cosmic symphony, and witnessing the serene unity of nature's grand tableau.

My soul, resonating with the harmony of the universe, pulses with ineffable sentiments... yet, I must confess that as I contemplate these awe-inspiring spectacles, I am compelled to make a comparison to align the grandeur of the cosmos with a beauty that surpasses all others.

In you, I see a reflection of the very cosmos, a being radiant and sublime.

My emotions, ignited by your presence, surge with an intensity tenfold. You are a celestial wonder, a mountain of strength, an ocean of depth, and a tree of enduring grace. It is in your gaze that I find the truest expression of beauty, and my soul is uplifted, transcending the boundaries of mere earthly existence.

I look at all these beauties in nature, and I look at you with a gaze that sees in you the culmination of all beauty. The emotions sparked inside of me in your presence are ten times greater, for you, Chrisel, are an embodiment of the ethereality in this finite world.


Dearest Ishang.

I trust that this letter finds you well amidst the bustling life you now lead in the city.

As I pen these words, I am still dwelling in the tranquil confines of our hometown, awaiting the results of my board examination, and eagerly anticipating the moment when I will embark upon my own chosen path as a teacher. It is in this contemplative solitude that I find the time to express the sentiments that have long resided in the recesses of my heart.

The years that have passed since our shared days in high school have seen us venture down divergent roads, each forging a unique destiny. You, with your unwavering determination and ambition, have embarked on the noble pursuit of a career, while I, in the quieter moments between my online endeavors and passion for writing which you have revived... have cherished our past and the connection that we once shared.

Our time together as classmates and friends was marked with affinity that remains etched in my memory. Those innocent days of shared laughter, aspirations, and youthful dreams hold a special place in my heart. The sporadic phone calls, the conversations that flowed effortlessly, and the joyous ride we recently shared through familiar streets were moments of pure elation.

Despite being acquainted with romantic interests that failed to see the light of the day and witness the solemn dawn, I must confess that my admiration for you has grown over the years. Your strength and determination in pursuing your goals are nothing short of inspiring. Your beauty continues to captivate me, to which I am not surprised. You are the embodiment of ethereality and your presence in my life has been a source of solace and joy, an anchor in the turbulent sea of uncertainty.

As I reflect upon our shared history and the days that lie ahead, I cannot help but entertain the hope that our paths might once again align. While the future remains shrouded in ambiguity, I find myself envisioning a time when we might walk together, hand in hand, with a love that transcends the bonds of friendship.

This letter serves as an ode to the profound adoration and affection that I harbor for you. I hope that the currents of fate might someday bring us closer, allowing us to explore a new chapter in our lives. Until that moment, my heart remains steadfast, yearning for the day when I can openly declare the depth of my feelings.

May your endeavors in the city be met with success and fulfillment, and may our connection endure, even as we traverse distinct horizons.

Yours truly, Heinz.

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