What a lot of people forget about humans

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I think... what a lot of people forget about humans is that humans are driven by their 'innate' nature on spending. So long as an individual is provided with money to spend, they are going to spend it no matter what the situation is in their lives may they be poor or rich. The only difference is both of them struggle to find where to spend their money on: the poor having limited resources at their disposal must spend only what is utterly necessary in surviving; the rich having a paramount of material things in their life cannot figure out where to spend their money on resulting in things such as hunger for power and insatiable desires.

What we also don't understand about humans is that... advice that doesn't strike us as important or necessary tends to enter the left ear and exit the right. I believe it would've been most useful of everyone's time if we talked about the morality and psychology of money: "is the love of money truly the root of all evil? If we have money, why do we keep spending on things that we really don't need in our lives?" rather than just giving everyone some petty advice on what to spend and what not to spend your money on.

Everyone should know that if someone is given money out of the blue that they did not work hard for, that money given to them will ultimately disappear as quickly as it was provided to them. On the contrary, a minimum wage earner will receive money and that money will stay with them longer and will be more difficult to be dissolved from their wallets just as it was difficult for them to earn that cash.

I also think that we should stop calling this money "educational assistance" and simply call it "monetary assistance," make the process of qualification more rigorous, and give this monetary assistance to those who actually need it. Because let's face it: we don't really spend the educational assistance money for educational purposes. One friend of mine has spent it on Mobile Legends skins, one will use it for their monthly rent on their bed space, and I've spent it for paying fines and getting my friends do things for me miles away from home.

Anyone can give any advice about money may it be a run-of-the-mill farmer, an office worker-any average person-is sure to know the basics of spending money. Also, money has lost its value over time because of inflation. A thousand peso today cannot get you as much as it can three years ago. Very frustrating, indeed. Maybe we should also add this topic to the Youth Summit next year?

I will not be attending.

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