I went out seeking for enjoyment only to find trouble.

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Today, I have decided to go out of our house. Away from the misery that is isolation and distance from people. I told my self "today, you will go out and you will have some fun."

How foolish I was.

Along with my friend Michael, we decided to watch our friend Kevin's basketball game. Even with my disinterest in the said sport and unwavering loath towards such noisy and crowded activities, I've thought that it would be nice to show support to one of our close companions and loyal friend from high school. We have also planned to eat dinner later when their game was finished at Michael's house in the express of our congratulatory manners towards his senior high school graduation and arriving birth anniversary.

Just as when the night sky has covered our entire town, so has the minds of the people with corruption and ill will.

I am almost glad that my friend Michael was away when a lad that I know from high school [who is about two years younger than I am] came near to me with the intent of having a fist fight. I was very surprised when he was distasteful towards my clumsy physique as what have driven him to anger was my foot tripping his in accident due to the distance of his body to mine as I was paying attention to the game happening at hand in the court. Had Michael been with me, he surely would've defended me and threw punches with this person. Fortunately, he was not. Unfortunately, he was not.

My legs were trembling. The people that had surrounded us had all of their eyes gaze upon us as they watched me helplessly defend myself. I couldn't do anything let alone reason with him. My arms desperately attempted to cover all of my weak spots. I remember he landed a fist on the left side of my body near my stomach. He removed his shirt to intimidate me more. I remember he threw a punch on the lower left side of my cheek. Thankfully, I was not put to the ground.

I was on the verge of crying. Who would've known such a huge man would cry and not be able to defend himself from a person throwing a punch at him who is significantly shorter in build and physicality. It was a shameful incident. Everyone saw the weak and coward person I was. I commend the pair of eye that I have for being the only strong part of my body as they have managed to not let a single tear fall down my oily face. It took a couple of brave and strong men to stop him from further hurting me.

Out of the hundreds of people who saw the incident, there were a couple of souls who expressed their concern towards me as some of them already know who I am with dealings from the past and some of them inquiring of what had actually conspired between me and the person who bullied me.

I would like then to take this chance to thank you, Mary, for telling me to not further think about what had happened earlier. I know you since Elementary. You have quite the reputation at high school to which I regard of you highly respectable. You have told me that one of our batch mates, Richard, was also challenged into a fist fight by the same person who assaulted me just now since "he has been looking for people to fight with lately." I would like to think that this person was not drunk in alcohol bur rather high on drugs. I looked at him in the eye as he was gazing into mine and what I saw were eyes of someone who has been abusing drugs and not the eyes of someone who is influenced by alcohol.

No drunk man is ever sane to pick a fight with a person without malicious intent... for they always do. A person seeking violence without prejudice is a person with an empty mind. I like to think everyone who had told me he was drunk is wrong because he wasn't drunk. He didn't smell drunk. His face was an inch away from mine and I smelled no liqueur from his breath. What I saw were eyes of a person whose mind is blinded by the atrocious effects of illegal substance. Who would've known that this day would come.

And to think that he came to me a second time with the purpose of clearing things up has proven to not be fruitful because I was unable to converse with him properly and would always ask "why did you trip me? You must be angry towards me." Thus, I did not make efforts of further attempts to converse with this person as people around us pull him away from me... with constipation in the pit of my stomach and unwavering unease towards the rest of the hours.

The feeling of being unsafe has not left me as I desperately tried to enjoy what had remained of the game. A losing team and our friend Kevin was not able to participate in the court due to some misunderstanding in their team and incompetent coaching. That was my only intent there and it had not happened. What a waste of fruitful time, energy, and effort to go out of my safe haven with the hopes of seeking enjoyment only to find trouble.

Despite this, I would open my arms and welcome the person who assaulted me with a warm hug given that he approach me with sincerity and plea for forgiveness. I would forgive him wholeheartedly. I believe it is unwise to breed anger towards many people. One person to hate until the day you die is enough for me. Another person would only weigh me down.

However, do not forget that I will always be reminded of this day. Of the day you have instilled unto my mind the kind of person you are. I congratulate you for causing trauma into me successfully as I have a thought in my head that you would meet me in the streets randomly and throw a punch in my face. Now I understand this emotion that a number of people hold within themselves: the fear towards something they could not rid of. I would also like to congratulate you for showing to our townsfolk the weak and pathetic person I am who could not defend himself from punches and threats. You have brought shame upon me and you have stirred the minds of the people around us.

I solemnly pray for the day that Lady Luck will be fickle of you and Justice finds its way towards your playful acts of violence and assault towards innocent and loving men. I shall look forward to the day a person brave and committed enough will put you behind bars and face punishment for what is due. I see no reason to do this myself for the police and law in our country is very arbitrary and painstakingly bureaucratic... and I wish to not further escalate the situation between us.

And when I do see you around... from the grocery store I buy goods at or the vegetable store I purchase fresh produce from, I hope you see in me the person innocent who wanted nothing from you but peace.

I remain an idiot so that the people around me can be intelligent.Where stories live. Discover now