The essence of human behavior in spending

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I believe the essence of human behavior in spending often goes unnoticed; it stems from an inherent drive. Regardless of financial standing, individuals, when provided money, tend to expend it. The disparity lies in the decision-making process: the impoverished allocate resources to survive, while the affluent grapple with choices, leading to pursuits like power and insatiable desires.

Our comprehension of human nature falters when it comes to advice. Insights deemed unimportant tend to pass through one ear and exit the other. Instead of dispensing trivial spending advice, delving into the morality and psychology of money could prove more enlightening. Is the love of money truly the root of all evil? Why do we indulge in unnecessary expenditures despite having the means?

It's crucial to recognize that unearned money dissipates swiftly, contrasting with the resilience of wages earned through hard work. Reframing financial aid as "monetary assistance," intensifying qualification criteria, and directing it to those truly in need might curtail misuse. The current misuse, be it for gaming or rent, underscores the necessity for a more discerning approach.

Dispensing financial counsel extends beyond profession or status; anyone comprehends the basics of money management. Inflation erodes the value of money, making a thousand pesos less potent than three years ago. Addressing this issue in the Youth Summit next year could provide valuable insights. I look forward to attending.

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