Chapter twelve

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It was decided over lunch that we would all go swimming at the local pool. I declined for the obvious reason that I didn't pack a bathing suit. I wasn't too sulky about it. Being close to naked around a bunch of men—particularly one—made me a little nervous.

My reasoning, unfortunately, didn't hold up. Axel consulted the pool's website and found out they have a shop. So here we are, on our way to have some wet fun in the sun.

Since the schools are closed due to the summer break, the community pool is pretty crowded. I can see its grounds through the barred gates. It's not much; just a big rectangle surround by a field of grass. A dozen children are lined up in front of the diving board. What a pity, there's no waterslide.

After paying for our tickets, we all head toward the changing rooms. Obviously, I still have to buy some swimwear. "You guys can go ahead, I'll be at the shop for a moment."

They all halt, but Joey speaks. "All right. We'll be somewhere near the shade of that tree."

He gestures in the general direction of the east side. When I nod and smile, they continue their walk. Tex lingers a second longer, looking at me like he's debating something. What could that be?

Dear Mother.

Is he considering joining me during my hunt for a bathing suit? The idea of him standing beside me, imagining me in all kinds of flimsy options, makes me gulp. "Okay, bye now."

I don't wait for his reaction. I'm aware of the fact that it was quite rude to abruptly flee from him. Well, he's not exactly known for impeccable manners himself.

The shop holds few items. My choices are basically a tiny two-piece or a black one-piece. The pink bikini top doesn't seem big enough to cover my bosom properly. I'm sure Tex wouldn't mind, but I don't want him to think I'm doing him a favor. It's best to keep a low profile. The boring swim suit will do.

Thankfully, there are stalls in the changing room. I'm not insecure about my body, but I don't feel comfortable being naked around strangers. After taking a quick shower to run a razor up my legs and down my pits, I hoist myself in the tight swimsuit. On my way to the pool, I catch my reflection in a tinted window and stop dead in my tracks.

This is not low key at all!

The ruffled fabric accentuates my waist and the neckline is steep ... too steep. I'm showing more cleavage than I've ever shown anyone, both publicly and privately. I twist my hips and glance at my backside. Fudge! Part of my butt is showing.

I draw a breath and slowly exhale. Tex will definitely set me on fire with his eyes. Nerves give way to unfamiliar excitement. I want him to want me, but I don't want to give into his tricks. I'd like to think I'm strong enough to withstand shallow desire. I'm definitely not going to sleep with him just because I want to.



I march up to the pool. I'm overreacting. I'm just a regular girl. There's nothing special about my curves. No one will even notice.

I pass a collection of ordinary people; parents who are watching their children play in the kiddy pool; teenage boys doing back-flips to impress a group of girls. Where is my group, though?

Once closer to the large tree, a tall muscular figure starts waving at me. Santiago signals for me to come their way. They sit on their towels in the shade. With every step I take, self-consciousness takes up a bigger part of my brain. Out of reflex, I press the towel I bought against my chest.

Axel grins. "Took you long enough."

I scrape my throat to recover my voice. Tex just casually pulled his shirt over his head as if that didn't mess with the balance of the world. My goodness! I could eat breakfast of those abs. Maple syrup, perhaps. I'd only need my tongue.

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