Chapter twenty-two

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"Ellie." Santiago elbows me. "You got a costumer."



It's hard not to get sidetracked by your own thoughts when those thoughts involve midnight eyes and, well, rock-hard abs. Okay, maybe also some other rock-hard body parts. Tex is just so unbelievably attractive. I couldn't help myself when I followed him into his bunk earlier today to give him a—


I give the young man a smile. "What can I get you?"

His eyes rest on my chest for a rude amount of seconds before he looks at my face. "How about your number?"

Unwillingly, my cheeks flush. He's good looking—symmetrical face, chocolate eyes and broad shoulders—but his smile is far too confident. I'm not that impressed.

I pull my shoulders up and the corners of my lips down. "I don't own a phone."

Santiago snickers in fist, trying to pass it of as a cough. The poor man looks utterly confused. "Uhm ... okay? I guess, we can just meet up after the show."


"Buddy, take a hint." Santiago makes a bored and dismissive hand gesture. "She's taken."

"Pity." The guy looks at my chest again, then shrugs and walks away.

How rude.

I pick a piece tape from the table, purposely avoiding looking Santiago in the eyes. "Thanks for that, but you didn't have to lie for me."

"I wasn't aware I was lying."

"Oh—uhm—what I mean is that I'm not taken. Tex and I are not an item."

"Really?" The tone of his voice suggests he knows the answer better than I do. "I'm pretty sure I've seen you two tongue-wrestle at every occasion. And let's not forget about all the nighttime sneaking."

As if I will ever forget. "Yes, but it's nothing more than that. We found some ... common ground to occupy our time with."

"I get it, you're fuck-buddies." His feigned, infantile disgust changes for a sigh. "It's just weird to see him smile and not hear him snap all the time."

Tex definitely found a better mood. Sure, he can be mopey and broody but he's less intense, less ... sad. "It took some getting used to, but I'm glad he's back to being himself."

"Himself?" Santiago shouts in disbelief. "Believe me, I've never seen that guy before. I know he was unkind to you in the beginning but even that was an improvement to the empty shell of a man he was. The smiling, joking and laughing is definitely new."

What now?

I inch to the edge of my seat. "Was he really that different before I joined?"

A moment of thought goes by. "He treats the guys about the same. Although, there's more humor in his voice when he banters. And he talks more, especially with you. Biggest difference, perhaps, is that he doesn't stare into the space with that blank look anymore. Now, he just stares at you."

My heart is not strong enough to endure the violent pounding. I need to calm down my heart rate. More importantly, I need to simmer down that sudden rush of hope.

I exhale slowly. "I think you might be exaggerating a little."

He shrugs like he can't be convinced otherwise. "Ask him how he feels. Or maybe tell him how you feel."

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