Chapter forty-three

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I pace back and forth in front of the impressive building. I never knew it would be this grand, this dignified. The structure is the centerpiece of the lively street. It's basically a big black cube with big, tinted windows and gold lettering on the awning. Fast-looking cars and big trucks fill the adjacent parking lot. I'm not familiar with the label, but they sure gave meaning to their name—Blackhole Records.

Tex didn't actually invite me over to the studio. I was already nervous on the way over. Seeing this overwhelming building doesn't really help with that. I never thought I would regret eating an entire bag of Hersey's Drops. I mean, I know I have a thing for everything sweet but that doesn't mean I'd like to taste it again.

"Are you coming in or are you trying to pace a hole to the center of the earth? Jules Verne might have a better plan."

I turn to the familiar voice. "Roy! It's so good to see you. It's been a while."

He nods, eyes smiling. "It seems Tex has been keeping you all to himself. I told him to bring you along weeks ago."

He did? "Oh—uhm—I've been busy." I quickly gloss it over with some keen interest. "But please, show me around. This place looks amazing."

He leads me through the foyer. Marble flooring and outrageous chandeliers create a classic vibe but everything else is modern. It's a interesting contrast. LPs, signed instruments and photographs of music artists cover the walls. One picture in particular catches my eye. A rock band with heavily pained faces and stuck-out tongues. It's the cat's whiskers, absolutely stunning. What kind of person stood on the other side of the camera?

Roy chuckles over my elated awing and guides me up a staircase and down some halls. Just when he's about to open a door, someone calls for him. "Roy! I need your help."

He turns to the gorgeous dark-skinned woman. "What is it?"

She clicks her pen agitatedly. "That all-girl group we signed yesterday decided to make additional demands. They want a Hummer ... a pink one."

He groans and throws his head back in an exaggerated fashion. "Goddamn divas. A pink slip is what they can get. The termination kind."

Her eyes roll as if she expected his response. "Keep your cool. We'll hash it out with them."

Roy winks at me and follows the woman further down the hall, speaking over his shoulder. "You can go inside. They're right behind that door."

Perhaps Tex didn't invite me over because of the beautiful women that roam these floors. I shake the unfair thought and open the door.

Axel and Joey are standing in the middle of room, playing catch with a stress ball. Even though they're polar opposites in looks, they are kindred spirits. I'm not surprised at all to see them both smile widely before greeting me unison. "Ellie!"

I walk up to them, wearing an equally wide grin. "Hey guys, working hard, I see."

They chuckle, knowing I'm joking.

Where is Tex?

"Nice of you to stop by." Axel eyes the item in my hands with growing interest. "Are those cookies?"

"Oh, yes." I hand the metal tin to him. "I baked some yesterday but they didn't last, so I bought these at a bakery near our place."

He opens it and immediately stuffs an entire whoopie in his pie-hole. Then holds up his finger while he chews and swallows. "Feel free to drop by anytime. Especially with cookies."

I chuckle, still eying the room. "Uhm—is Tex around somewhere?"

"No, he left half an hour ago." Joey gestures at the camel back couch, so we all take a seat. "He said he needed to help you with something."

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