Chapter nine

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Something is off.

My pillow doesn't smell like the jasmine-scented fabric softener my mother always uses. Also, my bed seems to be moving. Maybe I'm still dreaming? What time is it? I sense sunlight through my closed eyelids. Wasn't I supposed to get married today? Shouldn't I get dressed?

Holy matrimony!

I jump up, or at least, I try to. When I rise, my head bumps against something hard.

Ouch. What was that?

My eyes snap open. I'm in a bottom bunk-bed and I'm definitely not wearing my usual colorful pajamas. I fall to my back and let out a breath of air. It's true. Yesterday really happened.

A distant chuckle reaches me. "Are you okay, Ellie?"

Axel must have heard the loud thud of my head hitting the underside of the bunk above me. I clear my throat to avoid a squeaky voice. "Yep, peachy-keen."

Crab legs, I yelped a little.

Thankfully, the small curtain next to my bed shields me, preventing anyone from seeing my flushed cheeks. When I got on this bus, I obviously didn't think about all the downsides. For example: it's morning—which means I have to pee—and I'm surrounded by men. I could stay in this little bubble all day, all by myself ...

Do I have a yellow belly?

No, I don't.

I'll just seize the day with a smile and ignore the nerves in my stomach. Determined, I slide the curtain open and sit on the edge of the bed. With my feet on the floor, I take a look around.

Yesterday, my mind was too occupied with all the craziness to take in my new surroundings properly. The front and back of the bus are separated by the bunk-beds and something that looks like a cramped kitchenette. There's no stove, but there are some appliances like a microwave and kettle. The toaster obviously didn't escape my attention.

I chuckle and scurry my bag for some toiletries and clothes. Will that door on the right side lead to some sort of bathroom? When I open it, I sigh in relief and quickly get inside.

The space is no bigger than a small closet, but there's a toilet and a sink. While relieving my bladder, I sincerely hope no one can hear me.

No need to get all mortified over normal bodily functions.

Now that the pressure is gone, I take my time to brush my teeth and change my outfit. What did I grab? The black skirt and a white top. Okay, that will do. I hold up the tiny lace item.

Snickerdoodle! Out of all my new undies, I took the thong. Great. I'll just have to remain in an upright position at all costs. I splash some water on my face to get rid of the redness.

I can do this.

Once dressed, I comb my wild hair with my fingers and head back to my bunk to put on Maggie's shoes. Being out of my comfort zone must be a good thing; a gentle push to change.

I walk up to the group of men who don't seem so unfamiliar anymore.  Axel, Joey and Tex sit in some sort of booth, two sets of seats facing each other with a narrow table in between. The only seat left is the one next to Axel.

I sit down. Keeping to my promise of never speaking to Tex again, I address only his bandmates. "Good morning."

They both smile back. "Morning."

I side-glance at Tex. Not speaking doesn't mean I can't take a peek. Who looks this good in the morning? It's unfair to all of us unlucky people who still have pillow-creases on our faces.

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