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Droplets of rain cover the purple flowers that grow next to the narrow gravel path. Deceitfully pretty plants with prickly thorns. Just like me. I was never a delicate flower in bloom, I am a terrible thistle.

I sniffle and keep moving, putting one black heel in front of the other. It rained all morning but an hour ago, the sun broke through. I guess, the weather is suitable for a funeral.

My stomach turns. I swallow back the breakfast I skipped and keep my eyes on the backs of the equally black-clothed people in front of me.

I don't belong here. Maybe I never did. It was hard to ignore the judgmental glances I was given when I walked up to the front of the church to say my goodbyes. I didn't know what to say, so I kissed my fingers and pressed them on the closed casket. How strange to be separated by a loved one by nothing but a piece of wood. That's not true, though. It is death that separates us.

I'm a pariah amidst this crowd. They know all about my rebellious get-away. How much else do they know? Do they know I poisoned a beautiful soul?

I take deep breaths while slowly marching to the grave. I knew this was going to be tough, but it's tougher than I imagined. How could it not? Only a week has gone by since that fateful day.

Don't think about it.

Not today.

I take my place next to my mother and hold her hand. She's crying, dapping her handkerchief against the corner of her eye while resting her head on my father's shoulder. We all knew this day would come sooner rather than later. Grandma had been sick for a while.

My grandfather passed away when I was an early teen. His death took its toll on her. She was never the same after. Even though she was always surrounded by her kin, she felt alone. Volunteer work kept her busy but she was ready to be reunited with the love of her life. Whatever my believes are, I feel in my bones that it's true.

Maggie's figure catches my attention. Dressed in black, she stands underneath a large chestnut tree. Even though she doesn't know my family that well, she came to the funeral to support me.

After silently saying my goodbyes for the final time, I head over to my friend. "Hey, Maggs. Thank you for coming."

"Of course, I know you need a friend right now." She hugs me tightly and then hold me at arm's length, smiling. "How are you feeling?"

Like happiness and joy are suddenly erased from my vocabulary indefinitely.

I shrug sadly. "Considering the tragedy that has become my life, not too bad."

I mean, I'm breathing. How much more could I ask for? Strange how a body keeps functioning when there seems to be nothing left inside.

She bites her lip like she's wary. "Uhm—I'm not sure if now is the right time but ... "

"But what?" I clutch her shoulders desperately. "Tell me. Do you have news about Tex?"

She nods. "Yes, I do. Management made a statement on their website. It's not much, though."

My throat tightens. "Did he ... "

It's a good thing where standing at a graveyard because if she confirms his death, I won't leave this place alive. My battered heart will simply give out.

"Oh God, Ellie." She places the flat of her hands on the sides of my head to steady my spiraling mind. "No, he didn't die. He woke, but the announcement didn't say anything about possible post-coma inflictions. I don't know how well he's doing."

Through my tears, I ask, "But he's alive?"

She smiles warmly. "Yes, he's alive."



Okaay, so I assume you all have some questions ... like, what the fuck happened? 🤯

All your questions will be answered in the sequal 'Shame & Blame' but before we go there, we're going back in time to endure this heartbreak again. Tex has some things to share as well. 😉

Fun, right? Haha 😈

Tomorrow, I will begin updating 'Rewound & Retold'. Believe me, not everything is what it seems. 😘

Anyway, thank you so much for giving my story your time and love. Please let me know your thoughts. ♥️

X Dionne

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