Chapter twenty-eight

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Is this a dream?

In nothing but pink panties and the shirt Tex wore yesterday, I stand in the middle of the living room. I've been here for a week, but it's the first time I'm alone.

Tex left earlier to go to the studio. I think I was half asleep when he left a key on the nightstand and kissed me goodbye. It feels a little strange to be here without him. I don't want to snoop around, but I should get familiar with my new home.

Sure, I did get acquainted to most of the surfaces—couch, shower wall, countertop, dinner table—but my mind was a bit occupied then. I begin counting the scattered empty silver wrappings and then stop with a chuckle. If we keep this up, we will have to spend a fortune on condoms. Getting on birth control sounds like a wonderful and very responsible thing to do. But first things first ...

A teeny bit of snooping.

I circle the room. The apartment is nothing like I thought it would be. I expected it to be a manly bachelor pad with mismatching furniture, but it's quite the opposite. Sure, there's a large stand with several guitars and other equipment in the corner but it's all pretty homely, actually. Decent set of pots and pans in the kitchen cabinets, big comfy couch with a long pile carpet in front of it, music magazines on the coffee table, and nice sheets on the bed. I could get used to this place.

The California heat, though?

That might take a while.

I crank up the AC unit and take some cleaning supplies from under the kitchen sink. Since I don't know what to do with myself, I might as well clean up the mess we made.

Doing groceries and cooking seemed a waste of time, so we ordered in. Pizza boxes and Styrofoam containers lie at the most random places, a trail of clothes leading away from them.

I shake my head with a smile and then get to work. It's only a one-bedroom apartment, so it doesn't take too long before I have the whole place spotless. It wasn't that dirty to begin with. Tex must have done a big sweep before he went on tour.

Just as I empty the bucket with used cleaning water in the sink, my phone rings. Tex?

I grab the device from the breakfast bar. No, it's my mom. Should I answer? The last conversation we had didn't go so well. I called her three days ago to inform her on my whereabouts. Saying that she wasn't exactly pleased would be an understatement.

I pick up anyway, a little wary. "Hi, Mom."

"Hello, Ellie," she replies warmly. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing fine. I was just about to do some laundry and have some breakf—lunch."

No need for her to know I slept past noon.

"That's sounds very ... normal. Well, I am calling you to apologize for our last conversation. I'm not happy about this whole situation and I am worried about you staying in a big city with a man that I've never met. You know how I feel about your unmarried living arrangements, the Bible is clear about that, but—" She exhales deeply. "—I trust you and don't want to lose contact over our differences."

An apology wrapped in biblical warning.

I let out a breath as well. "Thanks, Mom, I'm glad you called. Any chance Dad will come around too?"

"Don't worry, honey, he needs a little bit more time to accept your decision, but he will come around soon enough."

I hate that I've disappointed them, but I'm no longer their little girl. "Okay ... well, just remind him that I'm an adult."

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