chapter 1.

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Y/N woke up to the sun shining bright in her eyes as a house elf opened her bedroom curtains, she squeezed her eyes tightly as the house elf approached her bed. "Mistress Y/N, Master Severus is waiting downstairs with breakfast" the small house elf spoke up and Y/N groaned before she sat up and looked down at the house elf nodding her head. Y/N walked down the stairs to find her father reading 'The Daily Prophet' newspaper that was delivered in the morning. "Good morning sleepy head" Severus said as Y/N sat opposite him looking down at her pancakes with blueberries and strawberries topped with cream, "morning" Y/N replied as she yawned. "I have to leave a little earlier today as I have to greet some new students" Severus said as he sipped his tea, and Y/N nodded even though she wasn't really interested in her fathers duties at Hogwarts. Severus was always leaving earlier or coming home later than Y/N, as Severus happened to be Hogwarts Professor for Potions and the Head of Slytherin House. Y/N ate her food as she looked down at the empty seat next to her father, her mothers seat she always sat in according to Severus. "Do you think you can manage getting your school books for the year?" Severus said breaking Y/N's thoughts about her late mother she never really got to know. "Yeah, I'll be fine, I'll join Pansy" Y/N said as she missed her best friend Pansy. "Also please be good this year" Severus said looking towards his daughter over the newspaper, "I'm not going to repeat myself Y/N" Severus continued and Y/N shook her head. "I'm always good daddy" Y/N whispered as her thoughts thought back to her time at Hogwarts last year, where her and the 'Royal Slytherin Family' teased new students. "I better go or I'll miss the train" Severus said as she looked at his watch and folded his newspaper before standing up and kissing his daughter on the top of her head. "I'll see you later darling" Severus continued and Y/N shouted "bye daddy" to her father. Y/N stood up and walked upstairs into her room to get ready to leave for Diagon Alley, then Hogwarts for the new school year.

"Your father leave early again?" Mrs Parkinson asked as Y/N walked with Pansy and her mother to Flourish and Blotts, "yeah, this time something about new students" Y/N said. "Your father is always busy, I hope you don't feel lonely at times Y/N" Mrs Parkinson said and wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulder. "You get use to it, well I always did" Y/N said as they walked into the bookseller and grabbed their school books for the year. "Ah, Y/N Snape" one of the mangers of the store said as he approached Y/N, "I have a new novel that has just come in, that I think you would love" the man said as he handed Y/N a novel with a broken rose on the cover. Y/N was someone who loved reading, especially romantic novels, everyone at Hogwarts and even many wizards and witches knew as well. "Published just two weeks ago, you will be the second person to read it" the man said and Y/N smiled down at the book, "thank you" Y/N said and the man grinned widely before he helped some students to find their school books. "You know I am surprised to see you still reading while we have so much work and studying to do" Pansy said as she approached her best friend, "I like reading novels Pansy, it distracts me from the real world and what's happening" Y/N said and Pansy felt worry draw onto her face. "What is that meant to mean Y/N? You know that you have everything you could ever want, you're rich, you live in a big Manor, you are the Slytherin Queen, you have the best friend in the world, your father lets you have your own freedom. What else could you want in this magical world?" Pansy said as she raised her eyebrows towards the younger girl. "Sometimes I wish I knew my mother a bit more" Y/N said and Pansy felt her heart break at her friends response, "my father doesn't really talk about her, and I wish he did so I would know how it was like to have her around, instead of seeing her portrait hanging in the entrance hall. "You may not know her as much as you would have liked, but I can tell you that she knew you inside and out the day you were born, and that's all that matters" Pansy said and Y/N smiled towards her friend.

Y/N was reading her novel while Pansy was drawing her friend reading, when someone opened the cabin door and Y/N looked up to see Draco Malfoy, her ex boyfriend and one of their close friends, also known as the Slytherin King. "Ew, what do you want?" Y/N said smirking towards Draco as he sat next to her, "there is some gossip going around that we may have some new students in our house. "Really?" Pansy said as she looked up from her drawing for a moment and Draco grabbed Y/N's novel out of her hand making Y/N reach over him to get it. "My father said that he had to leave early to greet some new students, so it must be true" Y/N said as she grabbed her novel back and she felt Draco wrap his arm behind her back making her flinch forward from the sudden contact. "Don't you have Crabbe and Goyle to annoy?" Y/N said as she pushed Draco's arm away as his hand landed on her thigh, "yeah I do, but I haven't seen you two for two months" Draco said as he spread his legs a little too wide showing off his expensive belt his father brought him for his third year. "Two months is never enough" Y/N whispered and Pansy giggled at her friends comment, "mother was wondering why you didn't come see us" Draco said as he turned his attention to Y/N. "Did she really ask or are you asking for yourself Malfoy?" Y/N said and Draco crossed his arms over his chest, "you already know" Draco whispered and Pansy shook her head at the two ex lovers. Draco and Y/N always had flirted with each other since they could remember, Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, and Severus Snape had a long time friendship resulting in Y/N and Draco meeting a few times before Hogwarts. Their first day at Hogwarts they became close with Pansy, Blaise, and Crabbe and Goyle, but soon developed deeper feelings resulting in the both of them to start dating half way during their first year. Everything was a secret from their fathers, but during second year when Draco had caught the golden snitch in one of the quidditch games, they got a bit too excited and kissed in front of the whole of Hogwarts in the middle of the quidditch field. Students went crazy as Lucius and Severus were very surprised, but pleased to know that they were at least kissing pureblood and not muggle borns.

As much as they liked each other they weren't so sure about if it was love or just like, they broke up a couple of weeks before starting third year, and as always the Slytherin Queen got many boys attention, but she never paid any attention to them. Draco and Y/N still remained close friends but sometimes behind close doors they can't control themselves and end up either sleeping together or just making out. Their friends weren't complaining as long as they were both happy, and their fathers never know what happened as they stopped paying attention to the two after the break up. "I was busy actually" Y/N said after a few moments of silence, "my father wanted me to visit my mothers grave and help clean up some of her old stuff he still had around" Y/N continued and Draco squeezed Y/N's thigh in support at the sad memory. Y/N never really knew her mother the way her father knew her, Lexia Young was a pureblood witch from an old rich wizard family. She passed away in a witch battle when Y/N was just two years old, and Y/N always knew her mother as someone who fought for what she loved. Lexia's portrait hung in the entrance of the Snape Manor to remind Y/N that her mother is always watching down on her, even in the hardest times.

Y/N and Pansy sat next to each other on the Slytherin table in the Great Hall as students were starting to fill the empty spaces finding their friends they hadn't seen in two months. Severus walked into the Great Hall with two boys following close behind, dressed in Hogwarts uniform and Slytherin ties and robes. Severus stopped in front of Draco and Blaise as the boys took seats in front of the Slytherin King and Prince and smiled to the boys. Before Draco could speak Y/N sat between Draco and Blaise and leaned towards the two boys. "So, it's true then, we have two new students" Y/N said towards the two older boys "and in Slytherin House" Y/N continued as the boys looked at her and smiled. "I'm Y/N" Y/N said as she smiled at the boys before one of them cleared their throat, "I'm Mattheo Riddle and this is my brother Tom" the younger boy out of the two said and looked into Y/N's eyes making her notice his chocolate brown eyes shining. "Riddle?" Draco asked and Tom nodded, "the Heir of Slytherin's sons?" Draco continued and Mattheo chuckled under his breath. "Luckily" Tom said and Y/N smiled wider, "Senior Thomas never had children I thought" Y/N said and Mattheo smiled at the young girl. "He ended up having two sons very late in his life for history books to record" Mattheo said and winked at the younger girl making Draco grabbed onto Y/N's waist. "Well it's very nice to meet you" Y/N said, "this is Draco and Blaise" Y/N continued pointing to the two boys beside her. "That's Crabbe and Goyle" Y/N said pointing to the other two boys near them, "and that's Pansy" Y/N said finally as Pansy waved to the boys. "It's nice to meet everyone" Tom said and looked at Y/N a little too much as Draco cleared his throat, before Dumbledore stood up at the podium making Y/N sit back with Pansy as they turned their attention to their Headmaster. "Hello everyone and welcome back for another year at Hogwarts" Dumbledore said and everyone clapped, "I would like to introduce a new member of staff" Dumbledore continued as a man with a fake eye stood up. "This is Alastor Moody and he will be the new Defence of the Dark Arts Professor" Dumbledore said as whispers were heard around the Great Hall, "another year, another Professor" Blaise whispered towards Draco. Dumbledore continued with some rules and how happy he was that everyone was back.

Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament in which three magical schools compete across three challenges every five years with the rule that only wizards aged seventeen and above may compete. As the first year students got sorted into their houses, there was a little break to talk and eat, Y/N sat between Blaise and Draco again turning her attention to the Riddle brothers. "Which school did you come from?" Y/N asked as she stole a piece of chicken from Draco's plate, "Durmstrang Institute" Mattheo replied and Y/N felt Draco tense up. Draco's father wanted to send Draco to Durmstrang but his mother, Narcissa Black, wanted him close by, resulting in Draco attending Hogwarts with Y/N. "Why did you boys come here?" Pansy asked as she passed some bread to Crabbe, "our father wanted us close in our final years" Tom said and Y/N nodded. "At least you don't have to see your father every day like I do" Y/N said as she looked up at Severus who was laughing with Professor Minerva McGonagall. "Professor Snape?" Mattheo asked the young girl and she looked back to the Riddle brothers, "yeah, he happens to be my father" Y/N said as she sipped Blaise's drink. Tom nodded as he looked at Y/N before Dumbledore spoke up announcing the two other magical schools joining Hogwarts for the five year tradition. Durmstrang Institute, located in Northern Europe and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, located in France. "At least you boys get to see your friends while you settle in here at Hogwarts" Blaise said as he stood up and followed the Royal Slytherin Family to their dormitories.

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