chapter 33.

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Y/N walked into Severus' big office as her father said that he wanted to talk to her about something. "Yes daddy" Y/N said as she closed the door behind her and sat on the seat placed in front of his desk. "I have some good news for you my darling" Severus said as he handed Y/N some paper work. "Bellatrix told me how you fell in love with a castle in France" Severus said and Y/N nodded as she looked over the paperwork that was titled 'Le château de l'espoir et de l'amour Agreement'. "Bellatrix ended up securing the castle for you and all you have to do is sign on the next page at the bottom" Severus said as he held out his quill. Y/N felt her heart stop as she turned the page and saw that the castle was going to be in her name, Y/N screamed in excitement and her father was lucky the office was sound proof, as no sound would be heard from the outside. "You have to be joking right daddy?" Y/N asked and Severus could see the happy tears forming in his daughters eyes, "I'm not joking my darling" Severus said. Y/N stood up as she ran beside her father and hugged him the tightest before she pulled away and he handed her his quill to sign the paper work. "Happy early graduation present my darling" Severus said as he kissed his daughters temple before pulling her into a hug as Y/N felt happy tears fall down her cheeks.

"My dream has come true" Y/N screamed as she entered the Slytherin common room making everyone look at her in confusion. "Le château de l'espoir et de l'amour" Y/N said and Pansy jumped up in excitement and hugged her friend as Draco had a big smile on his face for the girl. "The Castle of Hope and Love" Tom said as he sat next to his brother, "I was praying every night since the first time I laid eyes on the castle and now it's mine" Y/N said and Draco clapped. Blaise looked at the boy as he hit his knee, "be happy for the girl, she has always dreamt of moving away from Britain" Blaise said and Draco nodded. "I know, I just didn't think that it would be so soon" Draco said and Y/N raised her eyebrows at the boy, "you were the one who told me that I should follow my dreams" Y/N said and Draco chuckled to himself. "Yeah, I know that, but now father will ask me what I want to do after Hogwarts, and I'm not sure yet" Draco said and Blaise shook his head at the boy. "Well I'm very happy for you Y/N" Astoria said as she hugged the girl, Tom looked at the girl in awe as she was clearly very happy that she got the place of her dreams.

Tom and Y/N were in the Astrology Tower on the top floor, looking out at the Hogwarts grounds below. "Le château de l'espoir et de l'amour? Is it the perfect place you imagined your lavish life to be?" Tom asked and Y/N smiled as she looked down to see students running around. "It is more than I could have ever imagined, I don't even know how to describe it" Y/N said as she leaned on the rail of the tower. "It is the most beautifulest thing I have ever laid my eyes on and the big hall it has is incredible" Y/N said as Tom watched the girl talking so fondly about the castle. "It is four story's and has high ceilings with beautiful statues and paintings around" Y/N continued. "The old wizard man who showed me and Bellatrix said that the castle was very special as no muggles knew it's whereabouts, it use to be a castle that held magical balls for wizards and witches who were on trial during the courting periods" Y/N said as she turned to see Tom staring at her and she smiled. Tom looked down to Y/N's lips and his hand brushed a stray hair away from her face as he rested his hand on Y/N's cheek bone. "It definitely sounds like the Castle of Hope and Love" Tom said and Y/N giggled under her breath as Tom leaned in and pulled Y/N's face closer until their lips met. Y/N was taken back by the action but soon relaxed as Tom kissed her deeper pressing their bodies together as Y/N wrapped her arms around Tom's waist. Tom pulled away as he looked down into Y/N's eyes that were sparkling, "I thought Professors weren't allowed to kiss their students" Y/N whispered and Tom chuckled under his breath. "I'll make sure to let this one slip Miss Snape" Tom said as she pressed his lips against Tom's.

"So about those baby goats and cows, are you still thinking about it?" Tom said as him and Y/N walked down the hallway to Y/N's History of Magic class. "I am still thinking about it, one of the rooms happen to be a two story library which I find very cute" Y/N said and Tom raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?" Tom asked and Y/N nodded, "un livre pour chaque jour" Y/N said, 'a book for each day', as she walked into the class and sat next to Pansy as Tom smiled to himself before he walked into the class to teach. Mattheo walked to Y/N as he leaned on her seat trying to sit down in the seat next to her when he accidentally made Y/N's chair flip making her fall straight onto the ground. "Oh my Merlin, are you okay Y/N?" Pansy asked her friend who was sitting up rubbing her butt, "I'm fine" Y/N said as she noticed Tom walking around to help her. "Mr Riddle, you can sit at the front please" Tom said to his brother as he pulled Y/N's chair up and made sure she was okay. Pansy wiggled her eyebrows at the girl as she sat back in her seat, "don't start" Y/N whispered and Pansy gave her a look making Y/N shake her head. "We kissed in the Astrology Tower after I talked about my new place" Y/N whispered towards Pansy making her smirk at her friend, "naughty" Pansy whispered and Y/N giggled under her breath. Y/N looked at how Mattheo was sitting alone and looked at Draco, "Malfoy, go sit with Mattheo" Y/N said and Draco was about to say something when Blaise and Pansy looked towards the boy. "Fine" Draco said as he grabbed his school books and walked towards Mattheo, sitting next to him. The History of Magic class seemed to drag on as Pansy and Blaise kept giggling together and Y/N was staring at Tom in his suit. "If you stare anymore, there may be a puddle of drool under her head" Pansy whispered and Y/N slapped Pansy's leg under the table. "I'm not staring, I'm learning" Y/N said and Blaise chuckled to himself, "Tom's body or the chalk board he is writing on?" Blaise asked and Y/N stared at the boy in disappointment. "Maybe you should ask your father for Professor Tom Riddle to be the new History of Magic Professor, he does seem to make listen you a lot more than Professor Binns" Pansy said and Y/N shook her head. "I'm not going to lie but I kind of miss Professor Binns, he used to always make the class laugh" Y/N whispered under her breath as she wrote something in her school book.

"And Professor Riddle just makes you horny?" Pansy whispered and Y/N turned to her friend with her mouth wide out, "maybe" Y/N whispered and Pansy giggled a little too loud as Tom looked to the two girls. "Girls is there something wrong?" Tom asked and Pansy whispered under her breath, "yeah, you are making Y/N horny Professor" as Y/N hit her leg. "No, everything is fine Professor" Y/N said and Tom smirked at the word 'Professor' come out of Y/N's mouth making Pansy giggle more. "Okay" Tom said as he turned back to the chalk board as he wrote something else on the board.

Y/N woke up to someone moaning and realised that Pansy and Blaise were having sex, again, for the third time during the night. "You two are loud" Y/N said and Pansy giggled, "I'm sorry Y/N" Pansy said as she pushed Blaise to the side of her. "It's fine, I'll go sleep somewhere else" Y/N said as she yawned and put on her robe, "you two continue doing what you are doing" Y/N said as she closed the door behind her and walked down to the Slytherin common room. Y/N lit the fire with her wand as she laid on one of the couches and closed her eyes trying to get some sleep with the sound of the fire in the fire pit crackling. Y/N always found the sound of fire crackling calming as she remembered the first sound she heard was fire crackling in the Snape Manor as her mother hummed to her as Y/N slowly fell asleep in her mothers arms.

"I am so sorry about last night Y/N" Pansy said as she joined Astoria and Y/N in the Great Hall, "it's fine Pansy, I don't blame you, if I had someone to have sex with all the time, I would use my time wisely with that person" Y/N said and Pansy giggled to herself. "Sounds like someone needs to get laid" Pansy said as her and Astoria looked at each other, "I'm not hooking up with someone random" Y/N said and Pansy shook her head. "I'm not talking about someone random, I'm talking about Professor Riddle over there" Pansy said as the girls turned to see Tom reading a book next to Professor Slughorn. "I can't do that, he's a Professor now" Y/N said, "and besides I don't think he would want to" Y/N continued as she ate her pancakes. "Number one, he's not a Professor for long, and number two, the way he smirked the other day in class when you called him Professor tells me that he may think of you calling him that behind closed doors" Pansy said and Y/N throw a piece of her pancake at her friend. "Pansy, no" Y/N said trying to hide her smile from the two girls, "oh Professor, yes Professor, give it to me Professor" Pansy said teasing the girl. "That is disgusting, please, I don't even want to think about that, my father use to be a Professor" Y/N said and Pansy looked at the girl. "Okay, then what did you use to call him when you know?" Pansy said as Astoria didn't quite know that Y/N and Tom use to be in a relationship. "Daddy" Y/N whispered before Pansy yelled out "daddy", making most students and Professors, including Tom look at the girl. Y/N giggled as Pansy had her eyes widened, "that's more related to your father than fucking Professor is" Pansy said and Y/N giggled harder at her friend. "Okay what do you call Blaise in bed?" Y/N asked and Pansy looked serious, "baby or babe and he calls me the same" Pansy said and Y/N shook her head. "I like being called kitty in bed" Astoria said out of no where and Pansy and Y/N looked at each other. "That's cute, I use to be called princess from him and for the other one was baby" Y/N said and Pansy nodded knowing who Y/N was referring to. "Daddy or Professor Astoria, which one would you rather say during sexy time?" Pansy asked the younger and she thought about her answer before she said, "none they both sound too much like very old men", making Pansy and Y/N laugh at the girls answer.

Blinded by Lust | ʏ/ɴ ꜱɴᴀᴘᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪᴅᴅʟᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱWhere stories live. Discover now