chapter 26.

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Y/N sat with Pansy and Astoria in the Slytherin common room trying to process the last few days, with Dumbledore leaving his Headmaster position to Severus. "How do you feel?" Astoria asked and Y/N shrugged her shoulders, "I never expected my father to have a higher position here at Hogwarts" Y/N said as she played with a chocolate coin in her hands. "Well, we know for sure that your father will be able to keep a closer eye on you" Pansy said and Y/N shook her head at the fact that now Severus would be able to know where she always was. "He won't be at the Snape Manor that much either, as his new home is Hogwarts" Y/N whispered and Pansy laid on her friends legs looking up at the sad girl. "You can have me come to your Manor instead" Pansy said and Y/N giggled as Pansy loved the Snape Manor like her own home. "Do you ever get lonely when you are back home?" Astoria asked, "always, even though I have many house elves to keep me entertained, I sometimes miss the company of people around me" Y/N said as she placed the chocolate coin on Pansy's forehead.

"Do you think you could break some rules?" Draco asked Y/N as they were sitting in the library with Pansy, "no Draco" Y/N said and Draco raised his hands up. "I was just asking" Draco said, "if father was the Headmaster" Draco began, "you would be too scared to step foot outside your dormitory" Y/N interrupted the boy as he looked at the two girls laughing together in front of him. "That's not true" Draco said and looked down at his school book, "Draco I think everyone at Hogwarts knows that you are always trying to impress and make your father proud" Y/N said and Draco shook his head as he flipped a page in his school book, ignoring the two girls in front of him. "I just want to prove that I'm a good Malfoy boy" Draco said after a few moments of silence, "is that why you ditched Astoria, because her views on muggles are different to your own family's?" Y/N asked and Draco looked up at the girl. "No, I ditched Astoria because she is clingy, and always wants to ride me when she doesn't even make me feel that good" Draco said as he pulled out a green apple from his robe. "Sorry that not everyone can pleasure Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin King" Y/N said and Draco looked at Y/N, "I knew one person who would" Draco said as he didn't break eye contact with Y/N. "And never again" Y/N said as she put her book in front of her face, avoiding Draco as she knew he would try and say something again.

Y/N walked into the Slytherin common room to see Blaise and Pansy laughing together as they looked up to Y/N. "Don't mind me, I'm going to go check up on someone" Y/N said as she walked down the boys dormitory area corridor before she made it to the Riddle brothers dormitory. Y/N opened the door to see Tom, studying as always, Y/N walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Studying as always" Y/N said as she placed a kiss behind Tom's ear making him shut his eyes before he turned to face Y/N, "distracting me as always" Tom said and pulled Y/N down into a kiss. Y/N smiled into the kiss as she pulled down and looked at what Tom was working on, Charms, Professor Flitwick had the seventh year students write about what their favourite and less favourite charms were. Y/N sat on Tom's bed as she watched her boyfriend writing some more before he turned to her, standing up and walking towards her. "How does it feel to be dating the Headmasters daughter?" Y/N asked as she laid down next to Tom, "very exciting" Tom said as he wrapped his arms around Y/N. "But also very scary" Tom continued making Y/N laugh at her boyfriends change in his voice, being Headmaster at Hogwarts meant a lot of new things were to happen. As Y/N is Severus' daughter, she has to start behaving like a well respected student to hold up the new Headmaster's name in Hogwarts. You would never want to disrespect the Headmaster at Hogwarts as it will bring shame to himself and to the family name you hold. Lucky for Severus, Y/N only misbehaved when someone got onto her nerves badly, or when Y/N was hungry and had to sneak into the Hogwarts kitchen to get something to eat.

Y/N walked with Pansy into their Astronomy class that they had with Professor Aurora Sinistra, tonight they were tasked to look for Mars in the night sky as they wrote down some facts about the planet. Y/N opened her school book that had the picture of Mars on the page before she wrote some facts she read up on the page before, apparently Mars and the muggle Earth have approximately the same landmass. Y/N was always surprised to learn that Mars has two Moons, Y/N always loved looking up at the stars but mostly the moon, as she always thought the moon was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen with her very own eyes. Pansy pointed out Mars to look as Pansy casted a telescope spell so when Y/N looked up she could see it more clearly. Y/N looked up to see the rusty red coloured planet floating in deep space and Y/N was amazed at the way it looked.

Pansy handed Y/N some bread as they were up late studying for their Potion test they had the next day. "I swear for the daughter of an old Potion Professor, you seem to always be studying a lot" Pansy said as she sat on Y/N's bed with her and opened her own potion book. "I just want to look good in my fathers and Slughorn's eyes" Y/N said as she ate the bread Pansy had handed her. "But you are good" Pansy said as she remembered Y/N would always get O's in all her tests and reports for Potion. "I do have to be honest with you, I seem to be getting distracted lately though" Y/N said as she wrote an answer down in her school book. "With the Riddle brothers or with something else?" Pansy asked as she raised her eyebrows up at her friend as Y/N looked towards Pansy smiling. "With the fact that my father has been Headmaster for over two weeks, and I already feel like I am going to fail my NEWT exams next year" Y/N said and Pansy leaned against Y/N. "You'll do good, we both will do good" Pansy said as she flipped a page in her school book, "our OWL exams were better than we could imagine, we will be fine next year" Pansy continued as she pulled out her quill. "Let's hope we will" Y/N said as she summoned water in a glass and drank it in one go, making Pansy shake her head at Y/N as she could tell the girl was nervous.

Y/N was laying underneath Tom as he pressed his lips to Y/N's, "you know I do really want to study, but I can't every time you are here" Tom whispered against Y/N's lips making her giggle at the way her boyfriend was always getting distracted when Y/N was around him. "Well maybe you should stop studying for a while until I leave and study myself with Pansy" Y/N said as she pulled Tom by his shirt closer to her and bit his bottom lip between her teeth making the boy push himself against Y/N's body. "You honestly know how to make me feel weak" Tom whispered near Y/N's ear as he started kissing down her neck making Y/N moan softly. Y/N pushed Tom's chest so she could look into his eyes and Tom leaned down as he kissed Y/N softly before the dormitory door opened and Y/N pushed Tom away quickly and looked to see Mattheo standing at the door with a toothpick in his mouth and wide eyes. "You have got to be kidding me" Mattheo said and Y/N moved away from Tom as she felt her stomach drop, "Mattheo" Y/N said and Tom looked confused between the two. "My brother? Really Y/N?" Mattheo asked as he slammed the door shut behind him leaving Tom and Y/N alone in the dormitory. "What just happened?" Tom asked as he looked at Y/N, "I think it's best that I go" Y/N said as she grabbed her robe from the ground. "Why was he mad at you?" Tom asked and Y/N looked up at Tom before her eyes fell to the ring Tom had given her a couple of months back. "I, um, I have to explain later" Y/N said as she went to turn around before Tom grabbed onto her arm turning her back around. "You are fucking my brother aren't you?" Tom asked the simple question and Y/N felt a tear fall down her cheek, "leave" Tom said and Y/N felt her heart break at the simple word. "Tom, please let" Y/N began before Tom turned his back towards her, "I said leave Snape" Tom said louder this time and Y/N felt like she was stabbed in the heart by the way he said her family name. Y/N walked out of the door as tears said falling down her cheeks, she went to find Mattheo who she knew would be smoking away his anger.

"Did you really cheat on me with my brother?" Mattheo asked as Y/N stood in front of him holding her stomach. "Mattheo, please let me explain" Y/N said and Mattheo turned his body away from the younger girl inhaling his smoke. "Tom had gotten everything that I ever had in life" Mattheo said, "the only thing he didn't have was you, and now, he has you" Mattheo continued as he blew out his smoke. Y/N saw Tom walking down angrily, "you know what Snape, explain it to me" Tom said as he sat next to his brother. "I want to know why you are fucking my brother if we are in a relationship" Tom said and Mattheo turned his full attention to Y/N. "Yes, please explain this, if I'm the only one you said was your boyfriend" Mattheo said and Y/N noticed Tom getting more angry at his brothers comment. "I'm sorry" Y/N said and the brothers both shook their heads looking down at their shoes, "I didn't know who to pick, and over the two years that I have been with you two, I just got more confused with my feelings" Y/N said and Tom looked down to the ring he gave Y/N. She noticed as she looked down at the ring herself and felt her heart break even more. "I promise I didn't want to hurt anyone" Y/N whispered and Mattheo chuckled to himself, "well that's too late isn't it?" Mattheo said as he lit another cigarette, something he did when he was stressed or angry. Y/N looked to see Tom turning his face away as a tear fell down his cheek, "I gave you that ring because I thought you loved me" Tom whispered and Mattheo patted his brother's back. "She told me her father gave it to her" Mattheo said and Y/N could tell that Mattheo was feeling hurt not for himself but for his brother as well. Y/N walked away from the brothers as she felt her tears running faster down her cheeks as she walked into the Hogwarts hallway and sat near one of the open windows. She really messed up and she knew she couldn't fix it, at least not now. Pansy found Y/N crying on the hallway window sill and ran to her friend, Y/N looked up and whispered, "I really messed up Pansy" as Pansy pulled her upset friend into her arms.

Blinded by Lust | ʏ/ɴ ꜱɴᴀᴘᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪᴅᴅʟᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱWhere stories live. Discover now